Boardroom Meeting: Pandemic Edition
The pandemic carries on. Yet, there are people who still refuse to follow instructions. Even in my state, families disregarded Church and state suggestions. One in particular, was large gatherings.
As the disease spread, missionaries from the LDS Church returned home. Unfortunately, some genius families decided to appear in droves at the airport.
They are adults. They don't need your coddling. The state mandates that they should be under quarantine for 14 days. The large gathering of families only serve to further spread the disease. They are endangering the efforts undertake to curb the spread.
Anyways, this is a rant. I did this for the meme opportunity.
Stay safe y'all.
I got this template from @r0nd0n. I have no idea where he got it from.
and at the same time
I have no words for that.