Stem SEA's Redfish Support Program | Week 13- What? What? Who?

in Steem SEA3 years ago

digital art by @hann716 and @mikejosephortega and 50% of the rewards to @steem.amal

Hello redfish aka Aneuk Seurideng!

Another late post for this week, Nothing to say but I was getting some distraction with something else (my game for sure) and I almost forgot that this is already Sunday, LOL. Okay, everyone, I won't beat around the bushes today, I want to let you know that this program will keep on running no matter how busy I am and no matter how wealthy I am (i wish and you should pray for me, okay!)

I will let you all who joined this program to re-read some posts that I created months ago, about what can you do when you're in this program. Perhaps, I'm not so up to date because I haven't found a perfect time during the week to do some research on your account too. But I'd like to welcome @syeqal, @hayatunsjournal, @prilly, @rye143, @zullfahmi,, and @debimarisa for joining us starting week 13. I hope you guys can learn from each other to support the community.

Let's check what's happened last week and what we got here today! prepare for a major change ...


Level 2: The Salmon Wannabe, we have 2 newcomers and 3 participants who finally moved up from Level 1 this week. No Graduation Celebration this week but it's fine. A shout out to @joel0 whose account was compromised 2 weeks ago and is so fortunate that he still has a chance to recover his account, so the loss can be minimized. To @muksalm99, please accept my apologies because I was taking the wrong data for the last post and with that I corrected it this week. Good Job @mahyulmaulana for keeping up with your target to power-ups and be the next graduate. Wonderful job @kinghearts and @teukuipul87 also @longberry, you still have any chances to grow, just don't miss it.


We have 7 newcomers and a few of them still need support from all the participants, make sure you visit their post and give some advice or just have a good time to share your experience on steemit. It will take time to grow faster recently, but don't give up hope, follow the best strategies like join any contests available and in your league.

Let's see how busy are you last week with posting, comment, and upvote? I can see few participants doing great on posting but less comment. Few are best at comments and upvotes too. If you are just Redfish, use your Voting Power wisely, don't exceed the 10 posts a day, okay. You are Amazing!. Just what the community needs.


Shout out to our leader @anroja

Please delegate 200 SP to @kinghearts and @andryea for their remarkable growth, 100 SP each for @mujibrahman, @fantvwiki, and @ulyarahmi. They deserve some support for taking a big step to power-ups too. we will need to undelegate some SP from others next week. Thank you as always for your support.

Mission for Newcomer on Level 1

  1. Create a post with the title "Kenapa Saya ikut Program Steem SEA's Redfish Support Program", 350 words minimum, 2 photos (your own or free photos with courtesy of), share your motivation, and objective clearly in Bahasa Indonesia.
  2. Post your link to the post on the comment section here before the October 24th
  3. The best post will receive 15 STEEM and The second Best will receive 10 Steem, I'll be the only Judge.
  4. The third and the fourth-best will receive an additional delegation 30 SP delegation for a month.
  5. Feel free not to participate, this is just a mission for those who want to have fun
  6. Bonus 1 Steem for the most outstanding and unique comment

I have been very busy lately and the next month will be so hectic with my job as splinterlands tech-support customer service on discord. But I will do my best to keep this program running and be with you at least once a week. Thanks for your understanding and please take my apologies when I didn't reply to your comment as usual.

Thanks and Have a wonderful week, Have Fun!!


Hallo kak @cicisaja kontes yang sangat menarik saya juga kepengen ikut

 3 years ago 

boleh, minggu ini dikutkan

🏆 Hi @cicisaja! You have received 0.05 STEEM reward for this post from the following subscribers: @tyrnannoght
Subscribe and increase the reward for @cicisaja :) | For investors.

Terima kasih sudah membuat program ini. Menurut aku program ini sangat membantu terutama untuk pendatang baru supaya mendapatkan dukungan dan menambah kekuatannya dalam komunitas. Selain itu, program ini juga membantu kita mengetahui track record kita selama ini sehingga bisa menjadi evaluasi untuk kita pribadi. Hal ini juga memudahkan kita mengetahui sejauhmana kita sudah berkembang dan juga dapat membantu kita memperbaiki atau meningkatkan hal-hal yang masih kurang.

 3 years ago 

semuanya tergantung pada diri sendiri kok.. yang saya lakukan hanya memonitor aktifitas, sedangkan bagaimana berkembang semuanya terserah pada masing-masing steemian utk menerapkan berbagai strategi yang dipelajarinya. tapi "aktif berinteraksi" tidak pernah gagal membuat seseorang cepat mencapai targetnya.

 3 years ago 

Terima kasih kakak cicisaja, saya telah menjadi angota di program aneuk sereudeung. Saya sangat senang, saya akan meningkatkan kemampuan saya di komunitas ini. Tunggu misi saya selesaikan dalam dua hari ini. Salam hebat untuk anda.

 3 years ago 

ditunggu misi-misi bagusnya dan semua segera jadi salmon. asal dilakukan sambil bersenang-senang tidak ada hal yang bikin susah di steemit ini

 3 years ago 

Iya kakak, kami selalu bersenang senang dan berkembang disini, semoga apa yang kami harapkan tersampaikan dan terus maju dan mandiri.

Terimakasih kakak @cicisaja sudah menginzinkan saya untuk bergabung di komunitas yang luar biasa ini😊

 3 years ago 

sudah dikasih delegasi supaya bisa aktif, jangan disia-siakan yaaa... gass keun!

Siapp kita gas sekarang😀

 3 years ago (edited)

terima kasih kepada @cicisaja, dengan program ini saya merasa seperti ada sesuatu yang keren gitu... heheehe

untuk minnow apa ada program booster nya?

 3 years ago 

belum ada, soalnya penyelenggara masih minnow/salmon juga.. hahahahaha

sepertinya harus ada dolpin yang mau turun tangan... hahahahaha

 3 years ago 

Mantap sekali, untuk kita ikan seureuding ada satu harapan dari frogram ini.

 3 years ago 

jangan menyerah ya bang, meski berat, masih ada cara utk tetap berkembang

 3 years ago 

Mantap kak, saya lagi berjuang walau perjuangan saya sedikit pengorbanan.

Wah ada nama saya @mujibrahman. Mantap, semoga ini awal langkah yang bagus amin

 3 years ago 

Terimakasih sambutannya kakak.siap untuk menjadi lebih baik 🔥

 3 years ago 

semangatnya sudah mantap.. tinggal prakteknya aja nanti, jangan kendor!

 3 years ago 

Siap kakak