in Steem SEA3 years ago


Steem.amal Indonesia is still actively involved in humanitarian activities in supporting those in need, both emergency response and medical assistance. Recently, steem.amal has responded to 6 fire accidents in two locations and donated a wheelchair in West Aceh.

Steem.amal has now expanded the emergency response activities to Aceh Jaya by moving a group of volunteers which was coordinated by @aafadjar.

Our Aceh Jaya volunteer @aafadjar has reported a fires incident in Tanoh Manyang Village, Teunom sub regency, Aceh Jaya. Our steem.amal volunteer they conducted the assessment on 09 November 2021 and followed with the handover of the emergency aid kits to the affected family. @anroja as the steem.amal team leader maintain close coordination with the volunteer team members to ensure an adequate and effective way of delivering the aid kits to the family

The complete data of the fire incident can be found in the link below:

First Location:

Place: Tanoh Manyang Village, Teunom, Aceh Jaya
Date/time: 9th November 2021/04:00 WIB (Western Indonesian Time)
Name of the family: Jernawati (Widow)
Affected: Jernawati (42 Yo), Rahmat Balya (25 Yo), Mutia (23), Zakia (14)


As reported by @aafadjar as you can see in the below list:

Total donation of steem.amal was IDR 3,500,000 (35 SBD), detailed information please follow the link





Image Properties of @aafadjar

Second Place

On Noverber 8th, 2021 the head of Tambon Baroh village contacted me personally to inform the fire incident that occurred in his village and I forwarded the information to the team leader @anroja and volunteer coordinator @radjasalman to take necessary action for responding to the incident. There were 6 houses burned out to the ground and left nothing at all. Based on the assessment result led by Radjasalman, steem.amal decided to involve in responding to the fire incident by providing the emergency items. Since the location is near to local and international companies, the emergency aid kits were gathered on time and steem.amal needs to conduct a second assessment to support with any possible aids. Suggested by the head of the village, finally, steem.amal supported with cash assistance to support the economic development for the 6 affected families. A total of IDR 12 Million has been delivered to the families to re-establish their economic sustainability. Explaining the source of the support, many villagers were enthusiastic to know more about the steemit platform. As you can see in the pictures below, the handover of the cash assistance and discussion of the steemit platform was smoothly led by @radjasalman. It is a good way of promoting the steem/steemit to the outer circle of the users.


Image property of @radjasalman

Handover ceremony meeting with the head of Tambon Baroh village and Chief Youth Association in Tambon Baroh



@radjasalman was explaining about the steemit platform to the villagers in the head of village house

Besides the fires emergency response, steem amal also supported a wheechair to Ruslan in East Aceh, he is a vulnerable who was not able to support his own medication. He has been sick for more than 10 years as it reported by @ayijufridar. Steem.amal responded with the wheelchair as a part of the first 5 wheelchair of the medical assistance. The hand over of the wheelchair handed over to @ayijufridar by @radjaslman.



The main reason about the delay of this report is my work load are getting higher by the end of the years, but good news is I have completed 39 out of 43 project in the field as of today. I am truly sorry for the delay of the report.

Million thanks to all parties involved in the successful of the steem.amal program implementation in the field.


My best regards


 3 years ago 

Semoga para korban diberi kesabaran oleh Allah SWT dalam menghadapi musibah

 3 years ago 


Assalamu'alaikum...Peu steem.amal mungkin ta aplikasikan di luar Aceh?...lon siat nyoe berdomisili di Bogor...

 3 years ago 

Wa'alaikumsalam, bisa saja bang. Coba abang kirimkan proposal dulu biar kita pelajari

Siap... InsyaAllah segera lon laksanakan...terimong geunaseh..

 3 years ago 

Sama-sama bang

 3 years ago 

Waalaikum salam @piesant, untuk response di lua Aceh sangat memungkinkan, selama ada representative (steemian atau non steemian) yang reliable untuk melaksanakan program. Saat ini kita juga sedang mendukung pelaksanaan emergency Semeru kerja sama dengan ACT

Saleum sehat sabe

Alhamdulillah, lon tuan jino ka tetap di Bogor...jadi mohon arahan untuk tahapan selanjutnya...dan jino teungoh lon bangun pondok untuk basecamp beraktivitas...

 3 years ago 

Alhamdulillah, semoga bantuan yang diberikan dari @steem.amal dapat meringankan beban para korban kebakaran.

Semoga para korban diberi kekuatan dan kesabaran.


Semoga uluran tangan ini bisa meringankan beban saudara kita yang lagi tertimpa musibah.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for the update bro @el-nailul. The @steem.amal emergency response program really helps people who are in a disaster.
Steem.amal emergency response program is also very effective for #promo-steem and #promo-steemit. InsyaAllah, Next week I will report what kind of steem.amal effects for promo-steem and steemit in Aceh Jaya.

Best Regards

Semoga sukses selalu @steem.amal 😀🙏
Sehat selalu pak @radjasalman
Sehat selalu pak @el-nailul 🙏

 3 years ago 

Siap, terima kasih do'anya dek fahmi

Sama-sama kakanda 🙏🤗