Living with electricity

in Steem SEA4 years ago

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Electricity is the lifeblood of modern society, and for the vast majority of people that electricity is obtained from large, interconnected power grids. Could you possibly live without electricity? Be electrified and stop by here to see more of this insight.

The next-generation electric grid must be more flexible and resilient. While fossil fuels might possibly have their place for decades to come, the grid of the future might possibly need to accommodate a wider mix of more intermittent generating sources such as wind and distributed solar photovoltaics.

Achieving this grid of the future might possibly require effort on several fronts. Check disclaimer on profile and landing page.


This should result into less harm to people, species and the general health of our planet

It might be a top-graded technology potential demand in the market.

Do you know the difference between renewable and non renewable energy?

This might help our society to achieve more of its potential development!

Cool! These could potentially help the development of a country!

Rare earth metals could be the key ingredients for making the very hard alloys used in armored vehicles and projectiles that shatter upon impact.

There is a severe need for rare earth minerals worldwide. Rare earth minerals are crucial for products such as smartphones, growing sustainability such as with EVs, and defense tech and national security.

Rare earth metals could be the key ingredients for making the very hard alloys used in armored vehicles and projectiles that shatter upon impact.

Five fingered Leaves deserves a five fingered star!

Greener energy must be serve to prevent the harmful effects of pollution.