The diary game/ 09 november 2024/my activities today

in Steem SEA4 months ago


Hi steemian friends

How are you all? Hopefully healthy and continue to share goodness, today I woke up at 04:00 I woke up when the sound of rain was very heavy and I immediately went to the bathroom there I thought if I continued sleeping then I would be late for the dawn prayer so I decided not to sleep anymore and do worship while waiting for the dawn time

When it was dawn I immediately went to the mosque to perform the dawn prayer in congregation and dhikr together and at 06:00 I went to the city of Pantonlabu with my wife to sell the eggplant and cayenne pepper harvest that I had picked yesterday, when we arrived in the city of Pantonlabu we immediately went to the morning market and sold our harvest to the traders here, the atmosphere here is very exciting, it was only very early but there were already many buyers,

Here are the purchase prices for chilies for today

Item nameprice
Cayenne pepperRp 20,000
EggplantRp 3,000
TomatoRp 15,000

After that we bought rice from a morning rice seller at the Pantonlabu market and we ordered duck curry rice





This was the first time we bought rice here, inspired by the many people who bought it, so we assumed the food here was delicious, after waiting for a while our order was finished, then we paid for it, the price of rice here was Rp. 20,000 per pack, after that we continued home.

After breakfast, I went to the field to install plastic mulch on the land that I would plant chilies, before that I watered the EM4 liquid containing good germs that I had fragmented, with the aim of being able to improve the biological properties of the soil, chemistry and physics so that nutrients are available in the soil


boiled potatoes and milk

After I finished going home, I immediately took a shower and rested while enjoying a cup of warm condensed milk and also boiled potatoes to fill my stomach that was starting to get hungry.

At 15:00 I went to my business place which is located in Alue Ie Puteh


business place

As usual before I do health service actions, I first tidy up and sweep the room, after everything is finished then I start serving patients, here I run a business until night, I spend a lot of time at the business place looking for money and helping sick people.

That's my post today, peace be upon us all




Hai sahabat steemian

Apa kabar kalian semua? Semoga sehat dan terus berbagi kebaikan, hari ini saya bangun pagi jam 04:00 saya terbangun saat suara hujan sangat deras dan saya segera ke kamar mandi disitu saya berfikir jika saya melanjutkan tidur maka saya akan terlambat sholat subuh jadi saya memutuskan untuk tidak tidur lagi dan melakukan ibadah sambil menunggu waktu subuh

Saat sudah masuk waktu subuh saya segera berangkat ke mesjid untuk melaksanakan sholat subuh berjamaah dan berzikir bersama dan pada jam 06:00 saya berangkat ke kota pantonlabu bersama istri untuk menjual hasil panen terong dan cabe rawit yang sudah saya petik kemaren, saat sampai di kota pantonlabu kami segera menuju pasar pagi dan menjual hasil panen kami kepada pedagang disini, suasana disini sangat seru, baru sangat pagi tapi sudah banyak pembeli,

Berikut harga beli cabe untuk hari ini

Nama barangharga
Cabe rawitRp 20,000
TerongRp 3,000
TomatRp 15,000

Setelah itu kami membeli nasi pada penjual nasi pagi yang berada di pasar pantonlabu dan kami memesan nasi kari bebek

Baru pertama kali kami beli nasi di sini ter inspirasi dari banyaknya orang yang membeli jadi kami ber asumsi disini enak masakannya, setelah menunggu beberapa saat pesanan kami selesai lalu kami membayarnya harga nasi disini satu bungkus Rp 20,000 setelah itu kami melanjutkan pulang.

Setelah sarapan pagi lalu saya pergi ke ladang untuk memasang plastik mulsa pada lahan yang akan saya tanami cabe sebelumnya saya menyirami cairan em4 yang mengandung kuman baik yang telah saya fregmentasi, dengan tujuan agar bisa memperbaiki sifat bilogi tanah kimia dan fisika sehingga tersedia unsur hara di dalam tanah

Setelah selesai saya pulang kerumah saya segera mandi dan ber istirahat sambil menikmati secangkir susu kental manis hangat dan juga buah kentang rebus untuk mengisi perut yang sudah mulai lapar.

Pada jam 15:00 saya berangkat ke tempat bisnis saya yang berada di alue ie puteh

Seperti biasa sebelum saya melakukan tindakan pelayanan kesehatan terlebih dahulu saya merapikan dan menyapu ruangan, setelah semua selesai baru saya memulai melayani pasien, disini saya menjalankan bisnis sampai malam, saya menghabiskan banyak waktu di tempat bisnis mencari uang dan menolong orang sakit.

Demikian postingan saya hari ini salam damai untuk kita semua


 4 months ago 

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