
Can Confirm


What? I'm not a MOD Yet? LOL

SO much still to live for and work for... you'll get there!

omg. wow the display is flickering sometimes did u notice.

Watching the reveal of Communities! Think we might have found a bug 😂 46D07E36-0FA0-4118-A396-D0B62E024D49.jpeg

Turn your phone upside down. Fixed.

You're welcome! 😂

I can’t see because of @aggroed’s and @jarvie’s domes in my way.

That's "Knowledge packed domes" to you sucker!

Okay, am i in?

You look great up there to! Thanks so much for all of your hard work! You rock!

You look great up there
To! Thanks so much for all of
Your hard work! You rock!

                 - crystalandbones

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Mods: Give it a Bot Label?

That was was supposed to say, “You look great up there yo! In tying to edit my comment after reading your haiku version, I have discovered the edit feature doesn’t seem to work.

I thought it's only posted in the community... but it's here on your blog.

Posted using Partiko Android

It is not in his blog on the beta site, but is there on the production site.

So this is where all the new adventure begins?

Posted using Partiko Android