in HeartSTEM3 years ago (edited)

486px-Grande_Illustrazione_del_Lombardo_Veneto_Vol_3_Plinio_Secondo_300dpi.jpgPlinio Secondo, Unfortunately, of his abundant work, only the Natural History has been preserved in 37 books, the result of the information gathered from more than 2000 books. In it he compiles the main scientific knowledge of antiquity.

Greetings my beloved steemianos, accompany me to take a walk through history, in terms of beliefs and different approaches of different cultures, on the way of seeing the earth; which, had a lot of controversy and ignorance of it in time, by; when the true form of the earth was not yet known, nor was its location in the universe; so they imagined strange things.

So I take into consideration some perspectives of some cultures on the shape of the earth, which I name below:

 In India, they were represented as a half sphere supported by four elephants resting on a giant turtle.

 According to the ancient Greek myths, the earth was sustained by the giant Atlas; the god Zeus had imposed as punishment to carry it, on his shoulders, apparently for aesthetic reasons, since he also argued that all other astronomical objects were in turn spherical.

 Curiosities such as that of Thales of Miletus, held the idea of ​​a flat Earth. For his part, Anaximander believed that the Earth was a short cylinder with a flat, circular surface.

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 Medieval Muslims, based on the scriptures of the Koran [79:30] which states 'He made the earth in the shape of an egg'. Some, following the popular Arab belief that the earth is flat, translated and misinterpreted this verse, translating it by 'We have extended the Earth.'

 Early Greek philosophers allude to a spherical Earth although with some ambiguity. Pythagoras, is among those who are said to have originated the idea, responsible for the theory of the harmony of the spheres, where all the celestial bodies, including the earth, are recognized in a spherical way.

 Subsequently other Greek sages such as Plato, Aristotle and Eratosthenes, also defended that the planets were spherical, being Aristotle provided several physical and observational arguments to support the idea of ​​a spherical Earth, due to the shadow of the Earth on the Moon during an eclipse Lunar is round.

 In the West, the idea naturally came to the Romans through the long process of mixing with the Hellenic civilization. Some Roman authors such as Cicero and Pliny in their works refer to the roundness of the Earth as a matter taken for granted.

 Centuries (XVI and XVII), with Copernicus and Galileo when the human being began to realize what our planet is really like and the universe that surrounds it. Strabo, mentioned when the ship is on the horizon, its lower part is invisible, due to the curvature of the Earth. The Earth was round

This has generated a problem throughout; taking into account the following: The scientific theories, were established as thought to check things, their causes and effects; but it is also born, the counter part of religious thought based on faith, the creation of divine things, that is why it is said that we can not talk about something of science; because those who have their beliefs and their philosophies on the other extreme. But, if we can see the two trends, it comes to the very foundations of creation, but what changes the way the land should look, that is why each culture assumed its criteria of seeing and considering what the earth was like.

I conclude with the following: 'Taking into account, that all the doubts are explained; since, each and every one of the philosophers and astronomers have coincided and affirmed that the earth is spherical; without questioning the thought, which the ancient civilizations have had for a long time, of how they imagined the earth, with a flat shape, and supported or floating on different places, even animals, before knowing the current and real form of the Earth; there are still many paradigms to check about their location and permanence in the universe; since the universe keeps many mysteries.

1 The Earth was round

2 The best study habits and techniques 2 (Primary Education)
for José Jiménez Ortega, 2004.

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