The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie Part( 1 )

in Motivation Story4 years ago (edited)


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Everyone has told me that I must write this story and it is true that I was involved in the matter from the beginning, of course, there are gaps in my knowledge, but they can be filled by Sir Eustace's diary of street vendors, who kindly I have asked to use to go and sleep with Feld. He begins his adventures I have always wanted to have adventures you see my father, professor, the bed Feld was one of the greatest experts in England on primitive man, his mind lived in the Paleolithic, but the problem was that his body lived in the modern world. Dad didn't care about the modern man.

Without modern men like butchers, bakers, and greengrocers, therefore, since Dad spent most of his time thinking about the past and Mom had died when I was a baby, I had to deal with the practical side of life. he ate with enthusiasm what was offered but seemed concerned when the question of paying because it came up and it never seemed like we had any money, dad was famous in the scientific world and had many after his name, but this was not the kind of fame that I brought cash there were times when

I envied Emily, our maid, Emily's boyfriends included a great sailor and several guys who worked in the local shops, she said she wanted to practice with different young men and I thought sadly that she had no one with who to practice, purposely friends, they were elderly teachers with long beards, what I wanted was the love of adventure and romance, and I was bored and bored, there was a library in town. I enjoyed reading The Adventures and Amorous Adventures in these books and went to sleep dreaming of strong things.

silent men who always knocked down their opponent with a single punch there was the cinema - with a weekly film the dangers of Pamela Pamela was a wonderful young woman, nothing bothered her she fell from airplanes, ventured into submarines and climbed skyscrapers without a moment of fear I wasn't really smart with the master criminal caught her each time, but the hero always rescued her at the beginning of The following week I used to manifest with a wish for adventure, most people had never heard of the ancient bones that were found at Broken Hill mine in Rhodesia and yet one morning I found Daddy full of excitement, did you understand and have I always said that the beginning of the human race? I was in Africa, but they had traveled, don't jam the herrings, dad, I said quickly, stopping my parents, absent-minded hands, yes, you said they traveled to Europe. Here he choked a lot on a mouthful of herringbones. We must go to Rhodesia immediately. There will be many discoveries, I think the primitive ox, but not the woolly rhinoceros, you will write to the travel agency today,

what about the money? Dad, he looked at me with disappointment, your point of view always depresses me, my daughter, we must not let money get in the way of scientific progress. I think the travel agent might require money Dad Dad seemed upset my dear and you will pay them in cash I have no cash Dad took a good look My son is very irritated I really can't be bothered with these silly details the bank had something yesterday saying he had 27 pounds, that's your overdraft, I think then you should write to my publishers I agreed although I was not sure that Dad's books bring more fame than money, although I loved the idea of ​​I'm going to Rhodesia, wait, Dad, you have different boots. I yelled at him, take off the brown one and put on the other black one, and don't forget the scarf. Dad, it's a very cold day. Dad left well dressed and with boots.

He came back late that night and I was worried to see that his scarf and coat were missing, dear and you are right, I took them off to go to the cave, one gets so dirty, they are our main reason for coming to live in little HAMP's Lee had been the Huntly's cave. Dad spent most of his days working underground excavating bones of prehistoric animals. Dad coughed badly all night and the next morning I sent for the doctor poor dad was pneumonia he died four days later 2 everyone was very nice to me, but it took me a while to realize that what I had always wanted freedom was mine the last time that I was very poor but free at the same time I realized the kindness of all these people The vicar did his best to persuade me that his wife needed someone to help her at home Our little library decided to have an assistant librarian Finally the doctor suggested that I married him I was amazed that the doctor was almost 40 years old fat little man, it is extremely nice of you,

I said, but I could never marry a man unless I loved him completely, he sighed, but dear girl what do you want me to have and see the world? Look for interesting opportunities and you will hear about me in China or Timbuktu, my next visitor was Mr. Fleming Papaw's lawyer in London took me by the hand and spoke kindly to me. My poor son, his father was a great man, but he was not good at business. I knew better than Mr. Fleming, but I had to listen politely as he told me that my father had only left me 87 pounds, well, dear, we must see what can be done, he hesitated and then said that you would like to come to stay with us for a while. London, the place where things are going to be done, is very friendly. of you, I said while I am looking for work I must live to live you know if my dear son agrees then my wife will be happy to welcome you I wonder if husbands know as much about their wives as they think I was a little nervous to meet Mrs.

Flemming Mr. Flemming was nervous too, he told me as we climbed the stairs to the tall house in a quiet neighborhood of Kensington Square. Fleming greeted me kindly enough that a large, quiet woman who led me into a beautiful bedroom told me that tea would be ready in a quarter of an hour and left me. I heard her voice lifted from hers when she walked into the living room downstairs. Henry, why the hell couldn't he hear? I rest, but a few minutes later she raised her voice again and was much more upset. I agree, she is very pretty, it is really very hard life. Men will not be nice to you if you are not handsome and women will not be nice to you.

In Chapter 3 in the weeks that followed I didn't make much progress at all I hadn't found a job not that I really wanted one I had the belief that if I was looking for an adventure, the adventure would find me halfway is a theory of mine that was about to be proven true. It was early January 8. I was returning from an interview and at the Hyde Park Corner tube station, I bought a ticket to Gloucester Road. There weren't many people on the platform, but if there's one smell I can't stand, it's mothballed.

One coat reeked of mothballs and yet most men start wearing their winter coats before January so the smell should be gone. The man seemed absorbed in his own thoughts, he was small and had a very tanned face. He just came from abroad. So I decided to shelter her from him. it smells so so at this moment the man turned he looked at me and then he looked at something behind me and his face showed sudden panic he took a step back as if fleeing from danger forgetting he was standing on the edge of the platform came down there was a bright flash of the railing and a loud bang I screamed that people came running two men in railroad uniforms seemed to appear out of nowhere to take control part of me was horrified by the sudden disaster another part was fascinated by the methods used to lift the man from the electric track and get back up on the platform, let me pass, please.

I am a doctor, a broad-shouldered man wearing a dark coat and a formal hat that tightens me, I had a beard and brown eyes glass with gold frames as I examined the body I had a strange feeling that what was happening was not real finally the doctor stood up and shook his head dead nothing to do a worried Porter raised his voice, Allen, back off William Suddenly I felt bad I turned around and walked towards the elevator that had to go out into the open air, the doctor was in front of me, the elevator was about to go up and he started running as he did so he dropped a piece of paper. I picked it up and ran after him, but the elevator doors slammed in my face. I hoped it was nothing. The important thing he had lost written on the notepaper was 17 120 to kill Morden Castlet there was a nasty smell of mothballs again and the
The paper smelled a lot of them

I walked home slowly and did a good job thinking about how the doctor had examined the body there was a short article in the evening papers that said a man had been killed in the tube nothing had been found in the pockets of the dead except for instructions from a house agent to see a house on the river near Marlow was in the name of lb Carlton Russell hotel there was uncertainty about whether the cause of death was a suicide or an accident which seemed to clarify my duty and Mr. Fleming agreed that you should attend the investigation in the investigation, the hotel employee identified the man as lb carton from Kimberley, South Africa, who had arrived the day before and if he appeared to have left directly from the ship, I was the only person who had seen the death of the young man I think it was an accident, the coroner asked me I'm sure something alarmed him and he took a step back without.

looking or thinking, but what é may have scared him, I don't know, but he looked extremely shocked. The jury obviously eager to get home decided that the event was an accident, it is extraordinary for me, the coroner said that the doctor who first examined the body has not come forward I had my own theory about the doctor and intended to visit Scotland Yard police headquarters, but the next morning brought a surprise in the daily newspaper about the extraordinary budget development of an accident in a tube Woman tangled in a lonely house I read with interest that yesterday a terrible discovery was made in the Millhouse Malo the body of a beautiful young woman was discovered strangled in an upstairs room of the house is believed to be a foreigner, but until now the property belonging to

Sir Eustace's peddler has not been identified is empty and advertised in rent House agents The instruction to see the mill house was the only item found in the pockets of the man who died at the station. ion of Hyde Park Corner tube, Sir Eustace's peddler is spending the winter on the French Riviera Chapter 4 The investigation into the strangled woman revealed the following facts at one o'clock on January 8 a well-dressed woman with a foreign accent had entered at the Butler and Park House Agents offices in Knightsbridge wanted to rent a house by the River Thames, gave Mrs. Dkostina's name and address at the Ritz Hotel, but no one by that name was staying there, Mrs. James, who is employed to take care of the mill house, explained that at 3 o'clock a lady came to see the house and gave her instructions from the house's agents and the lady. James gave her the keys a few minutes later, a young man arrived. James described him as tall and broad-shouldered,

with a tanned face, light gray eyes, clean-shaven, no mustache or beard, wearing a brown suit and explained that he was a friend of the lady but had gone to the post office to telegram her. . James directed him to the house five minutes later he reappeared, returned the keys, and explained that the house was not suitable for the lady. James did not see the lady again, however, she noticed that the young man seemed very upset because he looked like a man who had seen a ghost, said the next day another lady in a gentleman's hotel who visited me to see the property and discovered the body of the lady. Of Kostina strangled with a thin black rope, the police surgeon believed that the woman had died around 24 hours, a murder verdict was handed down, and the police and the daily budget were left to search for the man in a brown suit who had murdered the woman. Ms. however these details were published by the daily budget and every day the newspaper demanded to find the man in the brown suit, however, the accident in the tube now looked like a coincidence and had been forgotten but I thought there was a connection between the two deaths in each was a man with a clearly tanned face An

Englishman who had been living abroad, but I knew he was not a doctor I had felt at that time that there was something wrong with the medical examination He had worked in hospitals during the war and had seen the professional way in which doctors treated bodies that a doctor does not feel for the heart on the right side of the body, but this doctor could have pulled anything he wanted from the pockets of the dead. I had to go to ScotlandYard to see who was in charge of The Millhouse Murder When I arrived I was introduced to Detective Inspector Prado, a small man with red hair and a very irritating way of saying good morning. I understand that I think he can be useful to us. His voice suggested that such a thing was unlikely. I started to get angry,

Do you know for the man that he was? killed in the tube the man who had instructions to see the Mill in Marlowe ah said the inspector you are the lady knocked down bedding that gave evidence in the investigation no doubt the man had instructions in his pocket many other people may have had to follow go ahead, you did not think it was unusual that this man did not have a ticket the easiest way to leave his ticket I did it myself Meadows claimed and I have no money, some do not carry a wallet, he replied, I tried again, he does not think it is unusual that the doctor never showed up after, a busy doctor often does not. Reading the newspapers, you probably forgot about the accident, in fact, inspector, you are determined not to find anything unusual. I answered well, I think. You like the word bedlessness too much. Fallen ladies are romantics. I know I like mysteries and that sort of thing, but I'm a busy man. I decided that the inspector was a useless chapter five. I walked to the house of Lord Naseby, who is the millionaire owner of the daily budget. while he stays with me. and Mrs.

Flemming had been able to get a business card with the name of Lord Loans Li, a friend of his. Now I wrote a note about this. Please give Miss Feld a few moments of her time, it worked. A servant took the card and soon a secretary appeared and asked me to follow him. When I walked into a large room, a scared-looking typist ran past me and I came face to face with Lord Naseby, a large man, a large head, a mustache, a large stomach, but I had not come here to comment to Lord Nase.

Out of the stomach, he was already yelling at me, what do they want? To begin with, I said I don't know. Lord Naseby might explode with anger, but I took his card from the people's house I'm staying with and wrote these words on it. It was important to see you for a moment. He calmed down admiring your coldness, well, you see me, if you interest me, you will continue to see me for exactly two more minutes, that will be enough. I replied that it is the Millhouse mystery. I told the facts of the tube accident and my conclusions when he had finished he told me unexpectedly well, you seem to be a very intelligent young woman, but it is not enough evidence.

I am aware that I want a job in your newspaper to investigate, I cannot do that, we have our own special man in and I have my own special knowledge Lordnaseby Oh okay, what is this doctor dropped a piece of paper he smelled like mothballs, he got into the dead but the doctor didn't? The doctor must have removed it from the body, he had two words and Some numbers, let's see. Lord Naseby extended his hand indifferently. I think not. I said smiling, you are a smart girl, sensitive to clinging to her. You weren't worried about turning it over to the police. girl if you get something that can be published, you will have your chance Chapter 6 I went home delighted once in my room I studied my precious paper here was the mystery clue to start with what did the figures represent that there were five of them and one point after the first two 17.1 two that didn't seem to lead to anything I studied the words kill Morden castle

I had to get to kill Morden castle as quickly as possible I left my room and came back with a bunch of reference books I searched with growing annoyance in Fleming's library, finally closing the last book with a bang. I couldn't find anywhere like killing Morden Castle. Why would anyone make up a name like that that was so strange? I have to visit the crime scene. I have to go to Marlow. He would visit the house and pretend he wanted to rent it. The mill house had its own country house. A small house standing guard at its doors. In response to my call, the door to the house was swung open and a tall middle-aged woman rushed out. No one can enter the house. Did you hear that I'm sick of your reporters so Eustace?

your orders are I understood that the house was available to rent I said coldly, of course, if it was already occupied, oh, I beg your pardon, miss, the newspaper people have bothered me so much that the house is not rented nor is it likely to catch fire. whisper Oh Lord, none of that, miss, but surely you have heard of that foreign lady who was murdered here. I read about it in the newspapers. I said carelessly, prompting a fierce reaction. I'm sure it was lost. She has been in all the newspapers. The man who did well I hope they buy him even though he is a nice man he looked like a soldier ah well maybe he treated him badly even though she was a very pretty woman Did she seem upset at all? I asked not one but she was smiling to herself and then she was murdered. I'll never forget why she wouldn't even stay here if Sir Eustace hadn't begged me. I thought Sir Eustacepedlow was on the French Riviera, so he missed him. He returned to England when he heard the news and his secretary, Mr. Padgett, offered me double pay to stay at that young man the lady now said. James suddenly returning to an earlier point in the conversation, he was a bit excited, his eyes I noticed that everyone was shining especially, but I never thought anything was wrong and not even when he came out again looking so upset that he was upset how long he was in the room home, not that long, maybe five minutes. How tall was it? Do you think it is five feet tall?

I should say that he was clean-shaven. You say yes, Miss Wash. He has a very shiny chin. James was in awe, well miss, however, did you know this is a strange thing, but killers often have shiny chins? I explained wildly, but Mrs. James did not doubt me, now really strange. I've never heard that before. I'm going to get the keys. I accepted them and went to the mill house from the beginning. I had realized that the differences between the man, the lady. James had described and my tube doctor was not important, a coat, a beard, gold-rimmed glasses, the doctor looked middle-aged, but he had bent over the body like a young man I thought the man with the mothballs and the Mrs. Kostina intended to meet at the mill house and I was sure that when the mothball man suddenly saw the doctor it was totally unexpected and alarming for him what had happened next, the doctor had quickly removed his disguise and followed the woman to Marlow, but in his haste to remove the false beard he had left glue on his chin, this explained my question to the lady.

James chapter 7 I found that the room where the murder had occurred was square with two large windows, smooth white walls, and a bare floor, there was nothing in it, as in each window there was a window seat with a board underneath, the first It was empty, but when I put my hand on the opposite board. I found a roll of Kodak film I smelled suspiciously mothballs again the film had been carried in the pocket of the man who died in the tube the doctor had taken the film and left it here I had a clue on the way back to the city ​​I studied the paper suddenly The numbers took on a new meaning, it could be a date from 1:20 to 17 January 1922, but in that case, I must find to kill Morden Castle because today was the 14th I took my precious scroll to the Great Kodakshop on Regent Street and I asked for the prints you gave me. I was wrong about the role The man said smiling This is an unused movie I walked out with as much pride as I could hope It is good for me from time to time to realize how idiotic I can be, but no one enjoys it and then while passing by one of the large shipping offices, I stopped at the window. It was a beautiful model of one of the company's ships and was labeled Kenilworth Castle. A crazy idea went through my brain. I walked in and asked in a shaky voice: Kill Morden Castle on the 17th from Southampton. Cape Town in first or second class how much is 87 pounds in first class?

I hate being involved in all this because the Padgett guy came to my room this morning with a telegram looking at an extremely annoying guy Padgett is my secretary, an admirable and hardworking man, no one bothers me anymore for a long time I have been wondering how to get rid of him but you can't fire a secretary because she prefers work to play, like getting up early in the morning and she doesn't have bad habits, I wouldn't mind if Padget didn't make me work; The only funny thing about the guy is his face, he has the face of a 14th century poison,

the kind of man the king could send to murder his enemies last week I had the bright idea to send him to Florence, he had talked about Florence and how much I wanted to go there, dear friend, I cried that you will go tomorrow. I will pay all your expenses. It seemed like a small price to pay for a week of freedom. It's been a wonderful week, but when I opened my eyes to see Padgett standing between me and the light at the terrible hour of nine this morning, I realized that freedom he was free. My dear friend I said the funeral has already taken place, Padgett does not approve of humor, so you know it, so Eustace knows what I said angry at your expression. I thought one of your relatives should have died. Padgett picked up the telegram.

It's a telegram from the Marlow police. a woman has been murdered in your house how it was ruled I exclaimed why in my house who murdered her they do not say I guess we will return to England soon to see Eustace it is incredible that anyone who can escape from England in winter does not do it so a horrible weather server all very interesting things have happened in the beginning i met augustus milray, who is a perfect example of the kind of fool produced by the current government, he took me to a quiet corner speaking in a way that suggested dark important secrets of which He spoke for a long time about South Africa and the country. the industrial situation there about rumors of discontent and problems so serious that workers in the diamond mines might dare to put down their tools and finally stop working his voice a whisper Explains to me that the documents that were to be placed in the hands of the general have been found Smuts the prime minister of South Africa put them in the nearest mailbox and then I said happily he looked surprised My dear peddler this is a moment of great care, shook his head, it is true that he intends to visit South Africa soon he has substantial business in Rhodesia I know well that I had thought of going in a month, could I possibly do it sooner? He would be doing the government a great service. Well, I said slowly, I'm looking forward to getting out of England again. I am very grateful to you peddler

I will send you the package for general placement. His own hands understand the kill Morden Castle sales Saturday was the next night, but Jarvis my butler informed me that a gentleman wished to see me, the gentleman asked me to tell him that he comes from the Lord. Gillray my visitor was a well-built young man with a tan and a scar from the corner of the eye to the drawer, so Eustace Mr. Milray would like me to accompany him to South Africa as a second secretary. He was a young man who would not take no for an answer and would not tell anyone about this. Well, I said weekly that I was getting in trouble just when I thought I was at peace and what is my new secretary's name I asked him what he thought for a minute that Harry Rayburn seems adequate, he said Chapter 9 Ann's Story, Not Worthy sorry I'm sorry to say that as soon as Morden started up and down in the sea,

I turned pale and went downstairs. I stayed there for three days in my cabin feeling ill. She was a totally different Ann than the one she had run back with great enthusiasm from the shipping office a few days earlier. Fleming had spoken to me as soon as I entered the drawing-room and my dear Miss Emory leaves me. Miss Emory was the children's tutor. She would be so nice if you took her place. She was so happy that she knew she didn't want me. the offer I put my arms around her you are very kind I said thank you but I am going to South Africa on Saturday when I left that morning she gave me an envelope inside it If I found five new five pound bills and the words,

Part 2 toady I write thanks for reading

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