Las vidas perfectas no existen, no caigamos en ese fraude / Perfect lives do not exist, let's not fall for that fraud

in Dream Steem11 months ago

Podría decir, casi sin temor a equivocarme que estamos viviendo en la era de las redes sociales, esa donde las vidas se construyen en píxeles y filtros.

Quiero contar una historia, la de Sofía (que bien podría ser cualquier otro nombre), la cual revelara una trama que se teje con las luces y el brillo de las pantallas y la oscuridad de las verdades a medias.

Sofía era una joven inquieta en busca de "relaciones". Desplazándose por las redes sociales, encontró a Lucas, su aparente alma gemela con una sonrisa perfecta y una vida que parecía una versión mejorada de un sueño. Lucas, con sus fotos en lugares exóticos y su aparente éxito, pronto se convirtió en una especie de esperanza en la vida de Sofía.



Empezaron a intercambiar mensajes, y cada palabra de Lucas era como una música especial que sonaba en la mente de Sofía.

Ella se construyó un mundo de ilusiones en el que Lucas era el héroe y ella, la protagonista de una historia romántica de la era moderna. Sin embargo, lo que Sofía no sabía era que las palabras dulces y las imágenes cuidadosamente seleccionadas eran solo la fachada de una verdad más compleja, o mejor dicho, una verdad a medias.

Conforme la relación virtual se hacía mas intensa, Sofía empezó a notar algunas grietas en la fachada de Lucas. Las historias que compartía no coincidían con la realidad; mostraba viajes glamorosos, pero que al final eran una mezcla de recuerdos antiguos y de sueños no cumplidos. Lucas, lejos de ser ese héroe perfecto, era simplemente un individuo ordinario con inseguridades y luchas propias, tal como cualquier otro, y que incluso la misma Sofia.



El fraude se reveló cuando Sofía descubrió que las fotografías perfectas de Lucas eran tomadas en momentos fugaces de felicidad, y lo que buscaba era ocultar una vida rutinaria detrás de la cortina de la pantalla. La relación se desmoronó y Sofía se encontró no solo desilusionada, sino también cuestionando la autenticidad de su propia identidad.

Quizás la historia de Sofía les parezca propia de una serie ficticia, pero en en esta era de las redes sociales, las vidas se filtran y se retocan hasta el punto en que la realidad es desdibujada totalmente. Creo que por una constante búsqueda de validación a través de la "aprobación virtual."

No tiene lógica en la vida cotidiana fingir que somos quienes no somos

Y particularmente veo este fenomeno incluso aquí en steemit, donde personas a traves e diarios muestran unas vidas que parecen de "ensueño", pero que la realidad real no se parece en nada a lo que dejan ver.

Pienso que la autenticidad se está sacrificando con la intención de encajar en el montón. Y finalmente todo esto termina convirtiéndose en un fraude digital que termina afectando no sólo las relaciones interpersonales sino las intrapersonales.

Las vidas perfectas no existen, no caigamos en esos fraudes.

Esta ha sido mi participación en el CONTEST: "The Keyword of the Week". He colocado el 15% de beneficiario a la cuenta comunitaria para ayudar en su proceso de crecimiento


I could say, almost without fear of being wrong, that we are living in the era of social networks, the one where lives are built in pixels and filters.

I want to tell a story, that of Sofía (which could well be any other name), which will reveal a plot that is woven with the lights and the brightness of the screens and the darkness of half-truths .

Sofía was a restless young woman looking for "relationships." Scrolling through social media, she found Lucas, her apparent soulmate with a perfect smile and a life that seemed like an upgraded version of a dream. Lucas, with his photos in exotic locations and his apparent success, will soon He became a kind of hope in Sofía's life.



They began to exchange messages, and each word from Lucas was like special music that played in Sofía's mind.

She built a world of illusions in which Lucas was the hero and she was the protagonist of a romantic story of the modern era. However, what Sofia didn't know was that the sweet words and carefully selected images were just the facade of a more complex truth, or rather, a half-truth.

As the virtual relationship became more intense, Sofía began to notice some cracks in Lucas's facade. The stories she shared did not match reality; She showed glamorous trips, but in the end they were a mixture of old memories and unfulfilled dreams. Lucas, far from being that perfect hero, was simply an ordinary individual with his own insecurities and struggles, just like anyone else, and even Sofia herself.



The fraud was revealed when Sofía discovered that Lucas's perfect photographs were taken in fleeting moments of happiness, and what she sought was to hide a routine life behind the screen curtain. The relationship fell apart and Sofia found herself not only disillusioned, but also questioning the authenticity of her own identity.

Maybe Sofía's story seems like something from a fictional series, but in this era of social media, lives are filtered and retouched to the point where reality is completely blurred. I think because of a constant search for validation through "virtual approval."

There is no logic in everyday life to pretend that we are who we are not

And I particularly see this phenomenon even here on Steemit, where people through diaries show lives that seem "dream", but the real reality is nothing like what they let on.

I think authenticity is being sacrificed in order to fit in with the crowd. And finally all this ends up becoming a digital fraud that ends up affecting not only interpersonal relationships but also intrapersonal ones.

Perfect lives do not exist, let's not fall for these frauds.

This has been my participation in the CONTEST: "The Keyword of the Week". I have placed 15% of the beneficiary to the community account to help in its growth process.

Twitter | Instagram | Discord | Youtube | Telegram: @josevas217


Oh, how nice to welcome you here again!

Yes, it seems to me that cheating oneself has a big place in our current discussion. And those who deceive themselves can hardly be honest with others, can they?

I wonder if it's any consolation to Sophia that she's not alone in her experience...?

I tried to write a story from the word Hope, but the truth is that something interesting did not arise, to do something that does not give something good, I preferred not to write.

These days I thought about the "lies lives" that they show in the networks and I said, this is a fraud. Here the result of these thoughts.
Sophia's case, then, an imaginary that is the reality of many people.
Thanks for comment.