
in Dream Steem4 months ago (edited)

Haa ... I fadli took a breath in the void that there was no clarity.


My age has entered the head of three but I don't have a permanent job yet, let alone to start a family where maybe there are girls who want to accept me whose income is unclear as a graduate of the education bachelor's degree, I can only open private lessons at home which is not much for the income.

so many applications there has been no call as a teacher, ahh... emm ... I muttered that surely they never read the job application that I sent, while contemplating the future, then I smiled at my grandmother's recliner near the fireplace in the living room.

He remembered the habit of his late grandmother sitting in the chair who always told him about his success while massaging his grandmother's feet what is this chair my luck spoke in his heart, let me follow this superstition while hoping for a change in his fate then he stepped into the chair and sat down leaning back while swinging his body which finally fell asleep.

In his sleep he dreamed of meeting his grandmother who advised him to eliminate your doubts, the journey of life already has a destiny, failure and obstacles are the youngest successes as long as you are still willing to work hard then he woke up in his sleep he looked at his feet which felt warm which turned out to be his grandmother's favorite dog coky pissing on him.

Huss ... husss ... I shooed him away while sticking out his tongue and wagging his tail which passed away leaving me as if he was chasing me basic cemen .. then I scratched my head while laughing amusedly in my heart saying well this is the real luck I got.

Then I took a floor mop to clean up the coky's pee suddenly my sister gave me news wah ... wah ... my brother's king congratulations on his new job I looked at him sarcastically loh abang engak senang abang graduated as a teacher in a remote area, I still don't care what my brother said.

What misfortune happened to me who was continuing to clean the floor with a sense of resentment in his heart as if his sister knew what he was thinking and hoping for all this time.

"Berisik..." I replied.

"I read it in the local newspaper published today, brother.

"Sorry, I still don't believe it.

As I rested my chin on the handle of the mop, I realized that perhaps the job application I had sent to the education office had reported on the selection of the required teaching staff that was published in the newspaper the other day.

In the evening at the dinner table my mother said the same thing as my sister,

I answered her casually oh ... yes! I haven't read it yet mom while arranging the rice on my side in a hurry I ate dinner at that time, which then rushed to find today's newspaper to read the news.

After I saw it, it turned out that only the name was the same while the agenda number for receiving the file was different from mine.

"Damn it, this time fate played me, the one who was reported earlier was not me"

With a sense of disappointment I walked to my room and then lay on the bed facing the window whose curtains were still open I saw many stars in the sky tonight, is there any luck for tonight while turning my body to the right and to the left it is very difficult to close my eyes with uncertain thoughts in my heart saying I don't want to count the stars tonight.

I want from the window of my room the presence of Santa Claus to give me new hope, again my little heart asks whether Santa Claus really exists and brings joy to life, don't ... don't ..., at that moment there was a vacillation in his mind that expected another that came could be an old witch riding a broomstick that came.

Then I got up and sat beside the bed for a moment, my eyes still staring at the window in front of which there was a table and a pile of papers.

I got up from the bed and stepped towards the table to take a piece of paper to write down the story I experienced today as a short story to be published in the corner of the newspaper tomorrow.

After I wrote it, I saw that the clock was 3:12 a.m. Then I read it over and over again so that the words and sentences were right and appropriate and sleepiness arrived with the remaining strength to support the eyelids that were almost closed then I scanned the writing with a smartphone and emailed it to the newspaper editor.

Then I lay my body down on the bed while praying that what I sent to the editor would be selected and published in the newspaper tomorrow morning.

Then my heart said and asked? Emm... is the narrative I wrote correct with the challenge key given? Does it match the storyline that I made with the point of view?

Is it? .....
Is it? ....

Spinning around in my head ah... this time I tried to think positively and I fell asleep waiting for news for tomorrow in tonight's fortune.



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Thank you, I'm happy for the appreciation

Not having clarity about what the future holds for us is a very unpleasant feeling.

Doubts about getting dreams in the future, memang tidak mengenakan thank you

Hola musaddikpase lo que cuentas aunque sea ficción pasa mucho hoy día, no saber si una chica te aceptará por lo buenos sentimientos/amor o por tener buenos ingresos para aventurarse en una relación seria y estable.

Por supuesto, nuestra primera fuente de ingresos es a través del trabajo honesto y decente y no tenerlo incrementa la duda con respecto a esa posible relación o aventurarnos a pensarlo siquiera.

Me gustó tu escrito porque manejaste la duda en múltiples escenarios, dudaste de una posible novia, dudaste de tu hermana, del escrito del periódico y de tu mamá hasta que verificaste que no eras tú o el personaje jajaja feliz tarde y éxitos

Thank you for your point of view. I am happy with the response you wrote