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RE: The Charm of Vintage

in Dream Steem29 days ago

I was getting anxious while reading your reply until I reached this paragraph:

Now you'll be wondering how I gave your daughter a book of mine. Well, this facility is only for special people. 😀

Phew. Lol

She was really anxious to return it. She didn't forget to mend it a little before returning it. I hope you didn't mind the delay :)))

With all the benefits, e-books don't even come close to the physical/printed books.


I will comb through the collection of books upstairs and will let you know. You can borrow if you like any!


It was very sweet of her. I didn't mind at all. I have been meaning to get a brand new set of that series because the one I own is from my childhood. It was already a little worn out by countless reads. XD

I will comb through the collection of books upstairs and will let you know. You can borrow if you like any!

Yes, please.