Fairytale About the life of the marine world

in Dream Steem6 days ago (edited)


In an area in the sea, precisely in a very beautiful coral valley, there are various kinds of marine animals. It is said that there was a dolphin who lived with his mother. Her name is Lula, her child is very diligent and smart. One day he wanted to say goodbye to his mother to play with his friends. her friend's name is "Bubu", Lula wanted to ask permission to go with her friends, her mother said. Be careful, don't think too much about it, said Bubu.

Lula and her friends arrived at a place where there were Riri, Kuda Lolo, and Kuro. Riri is a pufferfish, she is cheerful and friendly. The Lolo horse is a sea horse, he is small but brave. Kuro is a turtle, he is very slow but kind. Lula invites her friends to play near the fishing boat.

Riri and Lula jumped, splashed in front of the fishing boat, in the excitement of playing, Lula didn't realize, she was very close to the trawler boat "Be careful" Riri shouted as she approached. But Lula didn't pay attention, in the end she got into the fishermen's shrimp trawl and was trapped in the net with the other fish. Kuda Lolo, Riri, and Kuro tried to pull the shrimp trawl as hard as they could, but the fishermen's shrimp trawl did not break.

Poor Lula, she started to feel weak and dizzy. Kuda lolo said I have to look for him, please, hang on, I know who can help you, Kuda lolo said.

Then Kuda Lolo came back again, he came with Parcut. Parcut is a type of parang fish that looks like a shark and has a snout. ever, he was very strong, and wise. “Help me” Lula gasped “Don't be afraid,” Parcut said “You'll be free soon.” The parcut with its sharp snout made a hole in the seine, Lula and all the fish swam out. "Thank you Parcut, thank you guys," said Lula with a beaming face. Then, Lula and her friends continued their journey, when on the way, they met a herd of Aceperf. Aceperf is the name of a group of marine animals consisting of Ossie, Praha, and Rogg. Ossie is a shark who is very respected throughout the ocean, he is very arrogant. Praha is a piranha fish, he is very cunning and wants to win himself, Rogg is an octopus who likes to cheat. They came with a cynical look at Lula and company, "You all dare our territory!" cried Ossie. “Sis
"We didn't come this way on purpose, because there are lots of fishing trawlers," Lula answered with fear. "You shouldn't have come here!" This is our territory, Prague said. "If you still insist, let's fight!"

In the end, a fight was inevitable, but without realizing it, Kuro approached Ossie and bit his fin, so that his fin was covered in blood. Ossie shouted, "Rogg, Praha help me...my fins are covered in blood from being bitten by this ugly turtle!" "Kuro, why are you biting the fins?" asked Horse Lolo. "I'm just annoyed, they are arrogant," Kuro answered.

Then Parcut tried to advise him "Kuro, next time there is a crowd of opponents, finish it in a good way, don't do it again, OK?" said Parcut. "Yes Parcut, I promise I won't do it again," said Kuro. "Yes, let's go home. "Then my mother will look for me!" invite Lula. "How about before we go home we play hide and seek first, because we haven't been there to play yet," said Riri. "What a great idea!" Kuro exclaimed.

Not long after the game started, they suited up as cats, it turned out that after adjusting, Kuro was the one who became the cat. Then they all scattered and ran around looking for hiding places, while Kuro counted from 1 to 10, one…two…three…four……ten!” Kuro shouted. He stopped counting and started looking for his friends who were hiding. He swam around while looking for his friends. First, Lula was found near the seabed grassland, second, Lolo's horse was found near a sand pit, third, Parcut was found near coral rocks, but there is one more thing that Kuro hasn't found.

A few moments later a voice was heard asking him to help...help...help..." that voice, Kuro and the others must have heard it more clearly.

They tried to trace the origin of the sound, after tracing it it turned out that the sound was Riri's scream, Riri screamed for help because her body was stuck between coral reefs, they tried to help Riri by pulling her body, Riri endured the pain. when his body was pulled by his friends. "One...two...three..." Finally Riri's body was released from the grass. After that incident, they decided to return to their respective homes. Lula's house is the furthest among her friends, so Lula arrived at her house after sunset. After Lula arrived at her house, she entered and saw her mother waiting in the living room, her mother asked "why did you come home so late at night Lula?" "Sorry ma'am," answered Lula, then, Lula told about the incident that caused her to come home late at night. "Next time, don't play for too long, and be careful so that this doesn't happen again." Yes, Mom," answered Lula with her face down and she promised not to repeat her mistake again. That's all

Inspired by: A collection of fairy tales and prayers by "Vani Diana". He was my friend during high school, now he is a graduate of a university in Aceh and he gave me a book that I really love. interested in his work, I always open it in my spare time. I really admire the results. At that time I once asked, are you not embarrassed to meet me, even though I am just unemployed, not a writer, even though you already have a bachelor's degree, especially now that you are teaching at a university, in the past. For several months I have just learned to write here, especially in the @dream steem community, if there are any wrong words, please forgive me, because you are just learning. Thank you very much for your attention, visits and comments.

 6 days ago 

What happened to your formatting...? Very difficult to read, with single letters and characters in many lines.

Thank you for your attention, maybe the translation time was not accurate or the signal was not good

 6 days ago 

Please: it's possible to edit...



OK now I'm starting, good luck