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in Dream Steemlast year

Oops, I am much familiar with this world.., I mean, I have experience it some months back and sometimes now..."silence"
and "wordless".

Back to your neighbor...
I think it's much better you don't stress yourself much in trying to communicate with him by speaking. The reason is because, most times it irritates them.

I have a certificate in American sign language.

I can communicate with deaf and dumb person through this language.

Over the years, I have used it to assist medical practitioners most especially during medical outreach.

I also have good knowledge on braille.

If you want to brighten his day..., just learn a comon greetings in sign language, try that when next you see him and watch the smile.

By the way, I learned this language because of one of my childhood friend, presently, he is a lawyer and have been practicing his profession for 7 years now!


I guess your very special job here on the Steem is to amaze me again and again... ;-)))

Certified in sign language... - I tried it once, many years ago, long story. Didn't go well at all, somehow didn't suit my concentration span. One has to stay focussed on the other person all the time.

Respect, my dear! By the way, there is also a monetary need for this... Online. Signing podcasts. You may have already seen this on YouTube...

I guess your very special job here on the Steem is to amaze me again and again..

😀 amaze is my middle name.

Learning sign language takes time and it work best with keen interest. Once you have develop a strong interest on it, you can achieve it.

I can even use it to sing song..., but would only be understood by deaf and dump or someone who also understands the language.

There are also other sign language based on the main language of the environment, but what I learn was mainly American sign language which is understood by almost all the English speaking regions in the world.

By the way, there is also a monetary need for this... Online. Signing podcasts. You may have already seen this on YouTube...

I have never thought of creating podcast with it, but I think it would be a good stuff to give a try.

Respect, my dear!

 last year 

I have a certificate in American sign language.

How many talents you have! Perhaps we will never know them all.

If you want to brighten his day..., just learn a comon greetings in sign language

That's good advice, I hadn't thought of that for some reason. After all, we have the Internet and, if you wish, you can learn anything.

I have used it to assist medical practitioners

I am impressed by how socially active you are. It is even more impressive that such a person was forced to be in the position in which you are now. Sometimes it seems to me that this world is not created for good, although in reality it is not.