My daughter's quest for justice

in Dream Steem11 months ago

She knows what needs to be done, how to do it and to whom. My daughter Sakshi, has always had her priorities straight. She’s always been organized and meticulous. This is something I’ve always admired about her. Sakshi also has a very strong sense of right and wrong. As a child she defended those who were being bullied. As an adult, she made it a point to devote a sizable portion of her time and resources to help the needy. She made me a proud father, from the moment she came into this world.

Sakshi’s schedule is quite predictable. She goes out at around 11 pm every night and is usually back at around 3 am. A few years ago, when she needed to work late, I’d be worried sick. I would stay up wondering if she was safe. I hesitated in calling her as I didn’t wasn’t to disturb her while she was working. But now, I have no reason to worry.

I know how she operates. She’s told me in great detail. She’ll stand at the side of the road with her thumb out, the universal sign for hitchhiking. A car would come along and the driver would offer her a ride. If it was a woman or a family with small children, Sakshi either asks to be dropped off just a short distance from there, or she simply walks away. These are not the kind of people she targets.

However, if the occupant is a man, or several men, she gets into the car immediately and tells them that her boyfriend abandoned her after an argument, or some other sob story and that she needs to get home. She gives them an address that is at least a half hour drive away. If the guy or guys turn out to be good people who truly want to help someone in need, Sakshi simply thanks them and steps out of the car at the destination. From there she would ask some other man or men for a ride and it would be rinse and repeat. But if it turns out that the men had darker intentions and simply want to victimize a defenseless woman, their bodies would be found in the car the next day. Sakshi would be gone of course. The city is filled with cowardly scumbags who call themselves men and she tries to deal with as many of them as she can.

Towards the end of her nightly activities, she usually hails a cab and asks him take her home. She tells him she left her wallet at home and that he would be paid when he gets there. Once the cab pulls over in front of our building she quickly rushes up the stairs and tells the driver to follow. When the bell rings in the wee hours, I know it’s some cab driver looking to be paid. I open the door and hand them some money, telling them to keep the change.

Sometimes, the driver just takes the money, says “thanks” and leaves. But then there are those occasions when the driver gets a look at the picture of Sakshi hanging on the wall behind me. The picture with a flower garland hung around it - a Hindu custom to honor the deceased. It dawns on the driver that he spoke to a dead girl and drove her home. His expression usually changes to one of terror. Some of these blokes are just frozen in fear, while some just run off. If they run, I have to go after them and compel them to take the money. If they freeze up, I just put the money in their hand and thank them for their service.

Three years ago, my daughter Sakshi was working late at night when she received news that I had had a heart attack. In a rush to get to the hospital, she asked a group of young men for a ride. They raped and killed her. Then dumped her body and went on their merry way. The cops waited till I was stable enough to tell me that my daughter’s dead body was found in a ditch just outside the city limits. My child, my pride and joy was taken from me.

Sakshi’s killers, her tormentors were never caught. My daughter never received justice, but she’s determined to ensure that other women don’t suffer the way she did. So she goes out every night in search of those who prey on women and makes sure they can never harm anyone ever again.

All her life my daughter made me proud by standing up for what was right. And she still does.


A revenge story... I prefer justice, but I understand the impulse. It is a shame that such things happen. That they might still be considered acceptable in your country and among certain people...

It's time for us humans to grow up!

"Acceptable in my county"???

Did you just use this story as an excuse to attack India? A country about which you obviously know nothing?

Let me remind you that while women's reproductive rights are under threat in the West, India has some of the most progressive abortion laws in the world. Indian women are making strides in every field and in many areas, for example commercial aviation, they're doing better than Western women.

And rape and murder occur everywhere.

I'm sure you know where you can shove your racism.

Fine. We now know that you are proud of your homeland.

I prefer justice, but I understand the impulse.

It's a fact. I consider the thirst for revenge to be an understandable human impulse, but vigilante justice to be just as reprehensible as the act itself. The death penalty, by the way, is just as reprehensible; I have already written about this elsewhere...

It is a shame that such things happen.

Rape, sexualised violence, assault... All over the world.

That they might still be considered acceptable in your country and among certain people...

That's something I know from different women's rights initiatives and my Indian friends. Even if a society as a whole has become very progressive, there are still reactionary attitudes in which a woman is worth nothing. As far as I know, there are groups in India that believe they are in the right with such positions and that the judiciary does not put an appropriate stop to them.

It's time for us humans to grow up!

A fact again. We are at the very beginning of our possibilities - the human being in itself is a perfect being. The only problem is socialisation... Our dealings with each other need to grow up.

If you want to see racism - I can't stop you.