
Hahaha… I love life so much!! I don’t think I can go that far!!😊😊

@wakeupkitty, I just noticed the steem you sent to me again some days ago from your “tales” account. I deeply appreciate it.

I am sorry this is coming late. I don’t usually get notifications whenever I get steem in my wallet.

Pls don’t be offended for d late reply.

Goid to hear that but if know you have a friend!

You already thanked me and I don't feel offended no worries. None of us receives a notification or? It might be a night extra but isn't really necessary. Most of the time I don't check the wallet histiry or payout. I noticed it's rarely what itls mentioned same for prizes paid. It's all in the game, less or not paid at all...

Enjoy your day and let me know if you celebrate again.🥳🍀❤️