A letter, for reasons... / Ein Brief, aus Gründen...

in Dream Steem10 months ago

Deutsch im Anschluß...

Dear Death,

I turn to you, not out of fear or despair, but out of the desire to enter into dialogue with you. After all, you are an integral part of every single life, an inescapable part of human and animal existence. Your unconditionality may seem frightening, but I am one of those who understand you not only as the end, but also as part of a great cycle.

In the moments when you make a demanding appearance, you bring sadness and painful farewells with you. You take away loved ones and leave a void in their place that is often difficult or impossible to fill. You and I have had our encounters... But I would like to remind you that you also set a transformation in motion. You are not only the conclusion, but also the gateway to something new. More people are still born in one day than you invite to die.

Incidentally, it is said that you are fair, that you favour no one and take everyone into your care at some point. There is a certain comforting logic in this equality that reminds us that our life is precious and that we should cherish it while we can have it. Your role as a guardian of finitude may be scary, but it also gives life a framework.

I wonder if you are just a neutral force that regulates the natural course of things... Are you affected when you see people grieving for their loved ones? Or are you rather relieved that those people are finally at peace?

Perhaps these are questions that can never be answered, because you remain a mystery, and that's a good thing. But I wanted to share these lines with you today to reflect my thoughts and feelings. May everyone who passes through your hands rest in peace!

With respect - Yours @weisser-rabe


Dear @weisser-rabe,

I am amazed at your message! Most people curse or fear me, others deliberately look for me and still others act as if I don't even exist...

None of this really affects me - I am what I am. I fulfill a purpose for every living being.

All the feelings you humans experience at the mention of me or the thought of me are yours alone! Depending on what has moulded you, these emotions are beneficial and positive or negative and obstructive. But please don't project them onto me - I am not responsible and I have no influence on the things that happen.

I am the transition, I am neutral...

We will meet again, because I can promise you this much: one day I will be the very last contact for you, too... Until then, live your life and don't let anything stop you!

Your Death


Deutsche Version:

Lieber Tod,

ich wende mich an Dich, nicht etwa aus Furcht oder Verzweiflung, sondern aus dem Bedürfnis heraus, mit Dir ins Gespräch zu kommen. Du bist immerhin ein fester Bestandteil jedes einzelnen Lebens, ein unausweichlicher Teil der menschlichen und tierischen Existenz. Deine Unbedingtheit mag beängstigend erscheinen, aber ich gehöre zu denen, die Dich nicht nur als das Ende, sondern auch als einen Teil eines großen Kreislaufs verstehen.

In den Momenten, in denen Du fordernd in Erscheinung trittst, bringst Du Trauer und schmerzhafte Abschiede im Gepäck mit. Du nimmst geliebte Menschen fort und hinterläßt an ihrer Stelle eine Leere, die oft schwer oder gar nicht zu füllen ist. Wir beide hatten schon so unsere Begegnungen… Doch ich möchte daran erinnern, daß Du auch eine Transformation in Gang setzt. Du bist eben nicht nur der Abschluß, sondern auch das Tor zu etwas Neuem. Noch immer werden mehr Menschen an einem Tag geboren, als Du zum Sterben einlädst.

Man sagt im übrigen, daß Du gerecht bist, daß Du niemanden bevorzugst und jeden irgendwann in deine Obhut nimmst. In dieser Gleichheit liegt eine gewisse Trost spendende Logik, die daran erinnert, daß unser Leben kostbar ist und daß wir es schätzen sollten, solange wir es haben dürfen. Deine Rolle als Wächter der Endlichkeit mag zwar beängstigend sein, aber sie verleiht auch dem Leben einen Rahmen.

Ich frage mich, ob Du nur eine neutrale Kraft bist, die den naturgemäßen Lauf der Dinge regelt... Bist Du betroffen, wenn Du Menschen siehst, die um ihre Lieben trauern? Oder bist Du eher erleichtert, daß diese endlich Frieden finden?

Vielleicht sind das Fragen, die sich niemals beantworten lassen, denn Du bleibst ein Mysterium, und das ist auch gut so. Doch ich wollte heute diese Zeilen mit Dir teilen, um meine Gedanken und Gefühle zu reflektieren. Möge jeder, der durch Deine Hände geht, in Frieden ruhen!

Mit Respekt – Dein @weisser-rabe


Lieber @weisser-rabe,

ich staune über Deine Nachricht! Die meisten Menschen verfluchen oder fürchten mich, andere suchen mich ganz bewußt und wieder andere tun so, als ob es mich gar nicht gäbe…

Nichts davon berührt mich wirklich – ich bin, was ich bin. Ich erfülle eine Bestimmung, für jedes Lebewesen.

Alle Gefühle, die Ihr Menschen bei meiner Erwähnung oder dem Gedanken an mich empfindet, sind einzig die Euren! Je nachdem, was Euch geprägt hat, sind diese Emotionen förderlich und positiv oder negativ und behindernd. Aber projiziert sie bitte nicht auf mich – ich bin nicht verantwortlich und ich habe keinen Einfluß auf die Dinge, die geschehen.

Ich bin der Übergang, ich bin neutral…

Wir sehen uns, denn so viel kann ich Dir versprechen: auch für Dich werde ich eines Tages der allerletzte Kontakt sein… Lebe bis dahin Dein Leben und laß Dich durch nichts aufhalten!

Dein Tod


I’ve never for one day viewed “death” from this perspective. As much as it easy to write it down, as humans we just can’t accept this fact because it is quite scary to comprehend.

But like death said,

All the feelings you humans experience at the mention of me or the thought of me are yours alone!

I hate d fact that “death “ doesn’t give a damn about our feelings..😭😭

It is not death itself that scares us, but the uncertainty that is associated with it.
a lot has been written about life after death, but none of the living knows anything for sure and definitely.
mentally... For me, death seems to be a transition to another form of existence... I think so... and I would like to believe that I am not mistaken in this)))

I think you made some very wise thoughts on death, I have tried to keep this concept of death very present during my life, for many years. When I was 21 I came across the Tibetan Book of the Dead and worked actively with its teachings. Many people thought I was weird to do so, as it wasn´t the result of any near death experience or looking anyone nearby, but I felt there is so much to learn about living life move fully and with gratitude, not just taking it all for granted. I enjoyed reading this, thank you!

I have to thank you!

I definitely don't see death as something to be afraid of. So I'm not going to avoid it when it's in front of me. Dying, on the other hand, is something else... Whether I want to endure it full of pain and agony or whether there is a shortcut at the right time...

yes, I understand, I totally understand.

This is my second reply, today, of the same type!

The greatest mystery of nature unrevealed...
But let me tell you:

When someone really beloved, really close to you crosses the line and lie in eternity in a graveyard; you ain't afraid of that graveyard or it's ghosts any more!

My aunt sits near the grave of his beloved son for hours, sometimes in night, just to talk with him supposedly...
It's so heartbreaking to see her like that.

He was too young to pass away... But that's our opinion. The death has its own for sure.
May he rest in peace and may we have the patience to bear this loss... It's been a year and the heartache is still intense

Your aunt lost her son, you lost a cousin... Life and death can be merciless. I am very sorry! And it doesn't get any easier with time, only... more distant.

The worst thing your aunt can do to a deceased person is to sit by his grave and talk to him. The fact is that there, beyond the invisible line, he is forced to communicate with her in his own way, at a time when he has many other tasks there that he must solve.
The best thing an aunt can do is let him go from her.
As if it were tough (at first glance) It didn't sound right.

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