
Oh, is that so? Language can sometimes become a real barrier.

I can't help but wonder—was this poem intentionally written for women? I mean, his detailed descriptions of the male form seem far more exceptional than those of the female...

... Whitman was gay.

wait, what?

I should've known that...

 19 days ago (edited)

It wasn't a secret even back then, which is why he was widely despised. That is, except by more liberal and modern-thinking free spirits. Today it is common knowledge (or so I thought ;-))

Oh, man...I'm a bit embarrassed right now...I usually do my research though but I kinda skipped because it's poetry...

Thanks for the reference..I'll search for an ebook

 19 days ago (edited)

No problem - it happens to the best ;-))

Enjoy reading without deeper gossip insides ;-))

Nooo...My face's still red...

But yeah, I'll keep you posted.😊