Steemit Crypto Academy, Season 3: Week 6 || BLOCKCHAIN EOS || by @ahsanjawed For @pelon53
Steemit Crypto Academy, Season 3: Week 6 || BLOCKCHAIN EOS || by @ahsanjawed For @pelon53
🎛Question no: 01

🎛Delegated Proof of Stake(DPoS)
Source Multiple users vote and pick delegates to verify the next transaction in Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS), a well-known variation of the Proof of Stake (PoS) principle. By staking your tokens in a staking pool and connecting them to a specific delegate, you may vote on them (DPoS). You stake your tokens in a staking pool using a staking service provider instead of physically transferring them to another wallet. Because of the restricted amount of validators,
(DPoS) is a more democratic way to decide who certifies the next bloc, according to its proponents, since it is based on its established reputation as a genuine stakeholder and not on its wealth overall, enabling a broader range of people to participate in the process. (DPoS) helps the network to achieve an agreement more rapidly.
🎛 Algorithm
Each node in the blockchain network can vote according to its stakes and pick its authorized node in the conventional DPoS process. The witness node is the node that participates in the election of the witness nodes and receives the highest number of votes in the top N. Accounting permissions are granted to the nodes in the witness node list, allowing them to create new blocks one by one[4]. Every election cycle, the witness nodes will be re-elected. The trust model and ring signature method are included in our suggested DT-DPoS algorithm to improve the consensus process. The safety and confidentiality of testimonials are improved, the risk of collusion assaults is reduced and blockchain systems are secure. Three modules comprise the procedure of the DT-DPoS consensus algorithm:
Node trust value computation, selection of witness nodes and consensus building. The many important stages are included in each module, and the DT-DPoS frame shown in fig.1
🎛Question no: 02

🎛Ricardian contracts
The Ricardian Contract is an ancient idea that precedes the creation and rather. Programmer Ian Grigg suggested it as part of the Ricardo payment system for the first time in 1996. A new kind of legal document understandable in humans and machines was described in the notion.
EOSIO Blockchain users are given explicit insight into agreements with the Ricardian Contract Specifications and the Template Toolkit projects. To clarify what is to happen to users when they authorize a blockchain move, we urge smart contract developers to enforce their smart contracts by following the Ricardian Contract Specifications and Authenticator developers to utilize the Ricardian Template ToolKit.
However, the work on the inclusion of Blockchains in the transactions of these networks is underway. One of the major aims of the Blockchain technology is to turn the intricacy of the coding into a simpler language for everyone to comprehend.
contractName: eosio
🎛Question no: 03

For this Question i have divided the interface in to num so it is for to share and explain my experience
- First of all open Eosauthority. After this, you have seen this interface on the screen
- Firstly i have seen MENU(1) option from which you can do i goto another pages of this site directly like Dashboard, create account, powerup etc.
- Then see on number (2) which have wallet , events and tools option.
- At the bottom of the screenshot Number (3) you can see the Transitions chart which is update after every 5 sec. This shows you how many transition are happening.
- On number (4) in middle you can see the search Bar from which you can search anything related to this site.
- On the left side on number (5) you can seen all the details about EOC Price, Rank and more.
On Scrolling down you can more thing Like
- On number (1) you can see Live TPS and current blocks count.
- (2) It show all the info about current EOS wallets , stacked and unstaked EOS, voters , Ram usage and CUP usage.
- (3) From this you can search any blocks either it live or not
- (4) THis all are the Current blocks List.
Can can add your wallet in this just click on the Wallet option, Then click on the Add account after clicking you have seen this on your screen and after this you can add your form any of this Method
There are many more interesting thing in this website, form which we can do more and more.
🎛Question no: 04

First of All go to the SQRL Wallet page to download wallet, i have download Windows version as i am using windows operating system
After this i have try to create my wallet on SQRL but i have failed due to some error See Screenshots.
- This is the error i have faced.
- Then i have click on SKIP IMOPRT.
- Then I have this Interface on my Screen, So this is the demo account and i have not see more here because i don't have wallet as i show you above that why i haven't create wallet due to some error. but i have explore this and i have see many interesting thing here On the main page you can see the Account info like Current Price, EOS value etc.
- On the tool page you can see the option of setting about wallet, utilities , local data and advance tool.
🎛 CPU, RAM and Network
When working on EOS, three kinds of resources must be taken into consideration: RAM, CPU, and NET.
CPU denotes the amount of processing power you have access to on the EOS network, whereas NET denotes the amount of network bandwidth you have access to.The average use of both resources during the past three days is measured.
In the blockchain, data is stored in RAM. Users will need RAMs to establish new EOS accounts, add current accounts with information (such as owning other EOS coins), and dApps will need RAMs to store state information for their applications so that it can be accessed fast when needed. The EOS blockchain records are stored in RAM in both situations.
- Go to EOSToolKit and connect through Scatter to your account
Screenshot Source
- Select the ‘Active' account when logging into Scatter:
- Select "Manage Stake" from the right-hand menu bar to stake CPU and/or NET. You can delegate resources to your account or to any other account from this page. If you want to stake CPU and/or NET on your account, make sure the receiver is your own account:
- Approve the Scatter transaction:
- That's all there is to it; you've now boosted your CPU stake.
🎛Question no: 05

- The Current Price of REX Token is $0.008543. See the screenshot fore more info
Many people think of the tyrannosaurus rex when they hear the word REX, but we're not talking about the creature that existed 68 million years ago on Earth. This abbreviation refers to a platform where token holders may stake their tokens in exchange for revenue depending on their investment, thus the term Resource Exchange (REX): REX tokens are given to you as a type of voucher for your staked TLOS, which you can then trade for your TLOS payout. The REX market benefits both the holder and the network by lowering "selling pressure," which supports TLOS's price growth.
REX is one of the key mechanisms for increasing token liquidity in the market. When Item is open REX is burnted. The stake's size and length are represented by these SHARES. Their price is set by a worldwide "SHARE price" monitored in the REX contract, and it only rises with time.
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