Crypto Academy / Season 4 / Week 1 - Homework Post for yohan2on - Blockchain Technology and the Internet of Things (IoT)

Hello Steemians,

This is my submission for the Steemit Crypto Academy task by professor @yohan2on and this week its about Blockchain Technology and the Internet of Things. So let's try to understand BlockBlockchain Technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) in this homework post.


1-Explain why the future Internet of Things depends on Blockchain.

We live in an era where technology is evolving at a higher pace and bringing the best of innovations to make our life easy and simple through various means. Internet of Things which is known as IoT in short is one of the things that brings a smart solution to us and its way advanced than the basic form of technology. Before we continue further lest try to under what is this Internet of Things.

Overview of Internet of Things (IoT)

This is an emerging technology that connects devices with various sensors that are able to process and perform various activities. This allows us to connect various devices including computational, mechanical, and gadgets that can work together and stay connected with each other. This IoT module provides the capability to exchange data without human intervention and leads to a smarter life. Now since this technology reduces human intervention and brings smart solutions to get the next level of experience with this high-end technology.

We can use this technology for many things in our day-to-day life. Nowadays we get many appliances like fans, AC, CCTV cameras, etc that are enabled with IoT and we can access or operate these devices from anywhere. Its a good use in security and for example, we can use this for monitoring our home or office. We can see a live feed from anywhere and even we can hear conversations and this is possible with this technology so we need not be physically present in one place. We can use our mobile phone to access and operate and its very easy to use.


Usecase of IoT

The use case of IoT is quite vast so let's understand some of the popular use of this technology-


IoT devices are changing the overall healthcare experience and using devices like mobile phones the patient information can be collected. We can monitor heart and blood pressure, and many wearable devices are making it possible. Instead of just monitoring such devices are keeping a record of the data so we can access t anytime and it helps to have better healthcare and better treatment.

2-Smart Cities-

This contributes well towards the creation of smart cities but making them more efficient. It helps to optimize the energy in a way that it can balance the workload and in case of a sudden surge also it keeps the distribution equal for all the customers. It also works for the transportation and environment and smarter traffic management. Traffic lights and parking can be synced with real-time so when there is a need of people who need to move first can get the green signal and also for the parking it can help us to notify about the available parking space.

3-Machine-to-Machine Connected Devices-

Now factories have also started using machines and that is IoT-enabled and works smarter. Since these machines are loaded with various sensors so they can be accurately tracked and set up in a way that keeps the workload balanced while maintaining the input and output at the same time. Machines are connected with each other smartly and it even notifies when there is some issue with the functioning so that corrective measures can be taken well in advance and it also contributes to better productivity.

4-Supply Chains-

This is one of the industries where IoT has the ability to transform. The supply chain is a growing industry across the world because of increasing demand where vendors are working to procure goods and deliver them to customers but sometimes because of huge work volume they are not able to manage the communication and lined up the task and that where this technology plays a vital role. With the help, IoT devices its easy to have the information in place and customer is well aware of the overall progress.


Agriculture has been going through traditional methods for a long and this is one of the segments where involvement of technology is required so that things can become not just smart but also can contribute to reducing human efforts. Now farming has become smart with IoT and this is helping to reduce water consumption and stay updated with weather information and updated. This helps is better planning of farming and if there is any problem with crops then also it helps to suggest the correction measure.

Advantages of Internet of Things – IoT

  • Data Monitoring- With the use of IoT data monitoring has been easy and using mobile we can keep track at the home. For example, if I left air-conditioned in-home while going outside then using this I can turn it off and it will help me save the consumption of electricity.

Another example we can use with the printer ink cartridge. With IoT, we get to know once cartridge ink is low so we can buy the one well in advance, and no need to visit the store once its over.

  • Ease of Access-
    Now we can easily get access to information in real-time and no matter at what location I am but if I have a smartphone with an internet connection then I can get the required information within seconds. For example, I can use Google Maps to get location information and no need to ask from any person.

  • Automation and Control-
    With automation, we can reduce the manual intervention, and machines can communicate with each other much faster and give timely output. If we do this all manually then it takes a longer time but with automation, we can make it simple, easy and we also get better control.

  • Better Time Management
    It helps us to have a lot of time as we get the information within seconds. be it our daily commute, latest news, online shopping, etc and all these can be done with smart devices in very little time.

  • Cost-effective-

We can not just save time but with IoT, we can also save on the cost. It May be a one-time setup cost more but in the longer run, it helps us to save a significant amount of time. Since more things are automated and require no manual intervention so it can help the cost of resources and this is why industries are adopting IoT technology to bring cost effective solutions.,

Disadvantages of Internet of Things – IoT

Nothing is perfect in this world so we have lots of advantages of this technology then we also have some disadvantages of the same.

  • Safety- Now since things are controlled automatically and do not require physical intervention so it also raises the concern of getting it hacked. For example, if we get notified about the medicine prescription but in case some hacker change it cleverly then it can also create a problem
  • Dependency in Technology- With this we are going to be more dependent on technology which could be an alarming situation. If we come across a situation when we want to change things but it would not be possible because we are dependent and this way we will not be in a place to do things manually. Its because we are completely dependent on technology.
  • Reduction in Employment- Because most of the things are getting automated and do not require human intervention so it also leads to a reduction in employment. Its obvious that when machines will do the work then people would not prefer to hire someone for the work.

Can Blockchain become a solution?

As we have gone through the IoT and understood that it has some advantages and disadvantages as well. With the help of blockchain, we can fill the gap in IoT and this is why the involvement of blockchain in IoT can be a game-changer. Everything has its pros and cons but there is also a way out to fix it up to an extent and that's where blockchain comes in.

Overview of Blockchain

In simple words, Blockchain is technology having groups blocks and these blocks are connected with each other. Each block has a group of transactions and once one block is generated and filled with transactions another one is created but these blocks are connected like a chain. Blockchain is a technology where everything is transparent so if anyone tries to alter the data then its easy to track.

Researchers have made it possible to integrate blockchain with IoT to create a "Distributed Internet of Things" to solve the problem and it is the future of IoT.

Future of IoT: Blockchain

We have gone through the disadvantages of IoT and now with blockchain we can fill the gaps and this will be a great addition towards the future of IoT with the incorporation of Blockchain. Devices that are IoT-enabled to send data to a distributed network of blockchain and its tamper-resistant. That means no one can alter it and if someone tries then it will be easy to track and find.

IoT enables devices across the Internet to send data to private blockchain networks to create tamper-resistant records of shared transactions. IBM Blockchain enables your business partners to share and access IoT data with you — but without the need for central control and management. Each transaction can be verified to prevent disputes and build trust among all permissioned network members.

Benefits of IoT and blockchain

Trust in IoT data
Each transaction is recorded and put into a data block which is added to a secure and immutable data chain that cannot be changed — only added to. In this chain, only data is recorded and no way to alter that means we can rely on the information.

Added security & greater flexibility

Blockchain IoT create secure platform and frame that offer enhanced security and we can reply on the information as there is no way to amend it. We can manage the control and provide the option to permissioned clients and partners. This gives flexibility to choose who can access and analyse the data. The Blockchain Platform is open, interoperable and is built for your multi-cloud world so it does

Efficiencies and Cost Effective
Blockchain is known to stream line the process and build an ecosystem that connect various devices with each other while using the IoT devices and senor as well. This also creates an atmosphere where data is easily available and we can access the information with ease and this way producity is improved. Its kind of great value addition and cost effective solution to bring more value to business as well as for individual's use.

2-Research and create content on the following IoT Blockchain use case.

With the integration between blockchain and IoT we get bunch of applications that can be use in various fields and industries. Lets go through this and try to figure how things are bring amazingly with FILAMENT.


Filament is one of the leading company that develop software as well as IoT devices. Their innovation connects IoT devices and blockchain technology to single framework. Its one of the company having broader reach in Iot devices and they have capabilities to develop devices and software for any industry. They are transforming technology in to the connect products and all together it will offer a great product experience.

Filament is not just limited to one industry instead they have wider portfolio and have the capabilities to build software and prodcyts that can bring value to business and they are more focused on industries.

Filament is leader and they deal in various segments including sports, solar products, security, and health care and even they have developed some products which are helpful or individuals. Lets try to go through this-


They have created one of the project called SolarisKit and its a way to bring the best of solar energy to everyone. Solar energy is green energy and now its one of segment where it needed to put more of technology so that we can utilise at its best and its environment friendly.
I always belive that solar is one fo the energy that can be the best source if we utilise it in a right way. Its an interesting way and I like they they have developed the product that can offer the best usage of solar ebery to humans.


Smart Office Sensor

We work in office and it certainly requires a technology driven atmosphere which will not just make it a better place but also more secure and easier to manage emergency situation. Filament did a wonderful job in this they have created this amazing device which not just a products instead its a smart devices.


Office space can be best used with his devices since it has 15 real time sensors which tracks all the equipment, person location, assets and even air quality within the office premise. Untill not doing it manually requires lots of time and energy which costs more but with this smart device built with IoT it had been made so simple and its certainty a cost effective smart solution.


We live in the 21st centruty and this era has gotten the advantage of highly advanced technology. Blockchain and IoT are the best example of these and both are contributing well to make human life easy and getting various industries revoutinise. Internet of Things, and Blockchain are two technologies that are evolving and getting more adoption day by day however there are many idiusties which are yet to adopt but we cant deny that in next years we will be able to see more adoption across industries.

While the technology is growing and making our life easy but we also need to undertsnad that there are some challenges as well with this but since more of its use case is making this better so we need to focus more on that side.

It was such a great experience to learn about Blockchain Technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) and thanks to the amazing professor for giving us this opportunity and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Thanks again to professor @yohan2on for this great lesson


Hi @alokkumar121

Thanks for participating in the Steemit Crypto Academy

Rating criteriaCalculation out of 2
Quality of presentation1.5/2
Compliance with topic2/2
Clarity of language2/2
Quality of analysis1.5/2
Grand total9

This is good content. Well done with your research study on the integration of Blockchain and IoT.

Total| 9/10

Thank you so much professor for your feedback. appreciate your time