Steemit Crypto Acadmy Season 3 Beginners Course Task-3 // Cryptocurrencies And Public Chain

in SteemitCryptoAcademy4 years ago

Hello how are you all friends I hope you all are well friends. Will be busy with worldly affairs.


What is a public chain and what are the advantages and disadvantages of a public chain?

This is My Courses Homework Task 3. Read by @cryptoacademy's @stream4u. Here we have two types of chains. One public and the other private. Public China is accessible to consumers, and editing is permitted here. Private China is not accessible to Chinese consumers. It is accessible. You need permission to access it. And here we will now turn our attention to the public chain. Who are called professors.

What is a public chain?

The public chain can be described as a blockchain that is open to the public. Users are allowed to access, read, modify and participate in the Blockchain ecosystem. Which is good A public chain is a divided and decentralized chain. Therefore, it saves the transaction as blocks, it is interconnected and the data of every transaction must be computerized in the network on the block. This must be verified before all can be stored in the blockchain. Verification will be good for consumers.
Write about nodes
"Nodes" are authentication computers that are connected to each other and are called "nodes". The public chain here makes every transaction public and records every node and so on. Here the public blockchain has been made immovable and transparent. Verifies and stores public chain data. This can be changed later.


The public chain is open source. On the other hand, the smart contract mechanism is used to reach any agreement on the network and when the condition of the set is fulfilled, the smart agreement automatically activates the agreement. The public chain is a fully censored transparent ledger that is decentralized. Data is kept confidential and stored in different nodes and in different places. It is very difficult, but not impossible, to hack public chain, because its data is divided into nodes. If a node is not correct. Other nodes may indicate this.

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Advantages and disadvantages of public chain?


1. Open source.

You don't need permission to access the Dream Chain stock and you can read and edit it, and it's open to everyone.

2. Decentralized.

It is decentralized, so it can be controlled over a network through common nodes. Cannot be controlled by individual groups.

3. Safe

The public chain is Kajodatho, it protects it because once the data is verified and stored on the network, it cannot be changed.

4. Irreversible.

The public chain needs to agree on many of its nodes and before that a record can be made an accurate record and then a consensus can be reached.Then it cannot be returned. Because no one can tamper with the data.

5. Transparency

The public chain is a good chain and a very transparent network. Decisions are made by consensus. An institution does not control any decision. Distributes data across all nodes and also verifies transactions. Which makes it more transparent.


1. Low scale

The transaction process does not go well here, meaning it slows down because there are multiple nodes to verify and verify the transaction.

2. Working is very expensive.

It takes more energy to build and sustain a public blockchain, and more power to build network consensus. That is why this process is so expensive.

3. Unknown correctors.

In public life you have no idea who will give you legal status. Therefore, the risk of attack increases by 51%.

4. Disorganized

It is impossible for any government office to be controlled by any institution or government. That's why it can be easily used for any crime and no one can track you here.


There are no restrictions on consumers on Blockchain. He is free in every way. He can do whatever he wants here. So the best solution for business people who need to integrate blockchain. There's business and that's a good move.




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Total3.6 / 10

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  • You have completed the task.

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