Crypto Academy Week 13 - Homework Post for Prof. @yousafharoonkhan

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Good Day Everyone,

It's another beautiful week with an interesting topic by Prof. @yousafharoonkhan. Professor's lecture this week is all about Centralized and Decentralized social media.

Last week Prof. @yousafharoonkhan thought us about Decentralized and Centralized Exchange, which is about one given it user's freedom to do things according to their will without the intervention of the third party while the second which is Centralised Exchange is like the opposite of Decentralized exchange because you can't perform any transactions without the knowledge of the third party and they have rules and regulations that restrict their user's from doing some things on the exchange platform.

This week topic is similar to the last week topic, the only difference is the Exchange and the Social Media. And before I start my homework I would like to briefly write about the meaning of social media.

Social Media can be define in many ways but before defining the two I would like to break it down, Social and Media. Social is the act of relating with people, friendly, knowing trends like latest news, partying, knowing the latest fashion, love doing thing through internet like marketing, etc. While Media is a means of broadcasting, publishing etc. News or information to the whole world through the use of Internet. Now, let's move to the definition of Social Media.

Social Media can be define as a platform that bring people together to communicate or to pass an informations from any pass of the world. It's also a platform that allow the creation of video, text,etc. And sharing of content. We have many different types of Social Media but all Social Media are in two different form, Decentralized and Centralized social media. Below is the homework given to me by Prof. @yousafharoonkhan.

Question 1

Write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms in your own words.Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization Social Media Platforms (answer should related Social Media Platforms . (answer must be written in oun words, copy paste or from other source copy will be not accepted)

Centralized and Decentralized Social Media

As it sounds, Centralized. Centralized social media platforms is a platform that is created and controlled under a particular authority. The content and things created by the user's is in the care of the Authority. In Centralized social media platform, user's voice is limited, they have policy that restrict user's from doing some things on the platform and if they go against the policy the account will receive it's punishment according to the policy listed by the Authority. Centralized social media platform allows creation of many things but it doesn't give user's 100% power over their account and anything can happen to the account because it is in the care of a particular authority.

The example of things that can happen to the account is that, the authority can sell out their user's account information which can lead to hacking and the account can be blocked without the permission of the user. On Centralized social media platforms user's information is not 100% safed.

While Decentralized social media platforms is like the opposite of Centralized platform that gives 100% power to their user's to do according to their will. In decentralized platform user's voice are not limited and they are not restricted by any policy. Decentralized plaform is also a platform that allow creation and sharing of content with low risk of hacking because it is controlled by individuals i.e. the owner of the account. In decentralized plaform there is Freedom of expression can never be hacked expect the user itself careless leak the account information.

In conclusion, social media is of two types, Centralized and Decentralized social media. While centralized platform has different types of platforms some which are Facebook, Twitter, Facebook etc. But steemit is the first decentralized social media platform among all in the whole word.

Difference between Centralized and Decentralized Platforms

Centralized social mediaDecentralized social media
It's controlled by a central authority.It's controlled by individuals i.e the user's.
Aaccount can be hacked.Low risk of account hacking.
They have rules and regulations that restrict user's.No rules and regulations by any central Authority.
In Centralized social media platforms, there no freedom of expressionBut there is Freedom of expression in decentralized platform.
Central authority can sell out user's account.But they have no power over decentralized platforms.

Question 2

Which One is The Future of Social media ? Decentralized or centralized Social media.(answer must be written in own words)

The Future of Social Media.

Social Media, if we should talk about the future of social media I think decentralized social media platform will be the best for everyone in the world to make use of. Because almost everything that is done on Centralized social media platform can also be done on decentralized and decentralized gives complete freedom to it user's.

Decentralized social media platform is a platform that is not controlled by central authority (central government) and it laws. While centralized social media is the opposite of decentralized platform and being controlled by central Authority gives high risk to user's account. For example the senerio Prof. Mentioned in the class, that there is a time it get to people that Centralized social media platform sells their user's data to hackers which is very wrong.

In short, decentralized social media platform doesn't have rules and regulations that restrict their user's from doing some things on the platform. But Centralized platform have rules and regulations. In Centralized social media platform, user's account can be block for saying the right thing. If they see that the words of the person is going against them. They will just decide and make decision because the power is in their hands. But decentralized social media platform does not have rules that limit their user's. User's can make their voices to be heared through decentralized social media platform and no one will sell your information to the world because it is decentralized.

I believe decentralized social media platform is much more better than centralized social media platform but they are together. In the future, there will still be both Centralized and Decentralized social media platforms. Currently most celebrity and people love centralized social media platform, not because they love the situation whereby the platform is being managed by a central authority but because they are famous and those that are yet to be famous want to be famous, they won't like to leave the platform.

But, for those that knows the truth and understand the reason why it is better to use decentralized instead of Centralized social media platform will open an account under decentralized platform and also still manage the Centralized one. Opening a decentralized social media account will give the user rest of mind and to relax even if they block the Centralized one.

Question 3

How steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook.(answer must be written in own words)

How steemit decentralization social media is best than Twitter and Facebook.

Firstly, I would like to explain the meaning of steemit. Steemit social media is the first decentralized social media platform in the whole world. It's a platform that is independent of central authority like government. It allow user's to have Dominion over their account without the intervention of this third party. Steemit allow it user's to create content, advertise their business, acquire knowledge and get rewarded on any post based on their content quality. Steemit blockchain reward it user in the form of Steem dollar ($SBD) and ($Steem).

While Twitter and Facebook are centralized social media platforms. It platform is being controlled by central authority. Centralized social media platform is very different from decentralized social media platforms, centralized social media platform is like an apposite word to decentralized social media platform.

However, Twitter and Facebook are centralized platform that also allow the creation of content, advertisement of business, marketing, acquiring of knowledge etc. Like decentralized platform. Twitter and Facebook is a Centralized platforms that is being controlled by Central Government or Authority. There user's doesn't get reward for any content in Centralized social media platform.

So, with all the difference between centralized and decentralized I believe steemit is much more better than Twitter and Facebook and also steemit as many advantage than Twitter and Facebook. Some which are ; [1], steemit is not controlled by any central authority while Twitter and Facebook is controlled by central authority like government. [2], Steemit platform is a platform where user's have freedom of expression and user's doesn't have freedom of expression in Facebook and Twitter, they have rules that govern them. [3], user's personal information can be sell out to hackers in Centralized social media platforms while no one can sell user's information to hackers in decentralized social media platform because user's as full control of their account. [4], steemit platform reward it users based on their quality content while Facebook and Twitter does not reward it user's and that makes steemit platform the best among all.

Question 4

What do you say? How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users?(answer must be written in own words)

How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users

As we all know that steemit social media is a platform that enable it user's to have dominion over their account and they get rewarded based on the quality of the content posted by the users. Steemit blockchain reward it user in form of Steem dollar ($SBD) and ($steem). And they can cash out in any of their local currency after 7days

Steemit as really helped millons of people by solving their financial issues with this rewards giving by steemit. Million of families around the world are being help through steemit and also it as been a source of income for graduate. Steemit platform as really helped people in many areas. Or we should we talk about the students that was planing to drop out from school but steemit came on the line and became solution to his problems. So I can say steemit as really helped families.

Also, I believe that Steemit can be a source of income to everyone as long you have something to offer. There is many opportunities on steemit platform. You can be earning form steemit by writing what you like doing, it maybe cooking etc. Steemit platform is a room for everyone.

Question 5

How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media.(write your own experience)

How we can make money from Steemit decentralized social media platform

Am going to be explaining to us how we can earn money from steemit and I will be using my own experience. Steemit was introduced to me by a friend. I accepted to be one of the platform user with his encouragement and explaination about the platform and ever since then I have never regret but always happy with the way steemit treat it user's. I will be showing you the all the step I took and how you will also take yours.

The first step to take is register and be part of the platform user's which you can do by clicking here. The next step is to join the new commer's community. In new commer's community you will be given a task, before giving you the task you would have been thought on what to write or post about. New commer's community expose you to know more about steemit decentralized social media platform. Especially How the platform is against Plagarisim, how to use markdown styles in post, how to safeguard your account, how to convert, how to withdraw and so on. Doing that, You can be rewarded through your upvotes but to earn more you can join some other community like steemit food, my diary etc posting on this community actively will give you additional earning on steemit.

Steemit food community; if you are someone that loves cooking, Steemitfoods is for you. You can be posting your recipe for people to see in order to increase your earning and to promote traditional foods and street food.

In steemit Social Media platform there are different contests held in the community. some which consist of writing, while some photography contests held in their community. You can participate in all this to increase your earning.

After when you finish the task given to you by new commer's community, then you keep posting till your reputation get to 50. Once it get to 50 there are communities you can join that will really help make you to earn alot. Example, Steemit cryptoacademy. Steemit cryptoacademy is not only just a platform to earn but also to acquire knowledge and Steemians are paid based on the grade of their homework.

In conclusion steemit is a very good platform that as really helped million of people all over the world financially and Academically. And that is the beauty of steemit.

Question 6

How to create communities on Steemit social media ( practicle step by step ) & Promote your homework post on two social media ,twitter and facebook (just share link in comments area)

Step by Step on how to create communities on Steemit social media.

Communities play a big rule on steemit platform. We have deffrent types of communities on Steemit some which are Steemitcyptoacademy, steemit foods, new commer's community and so on. I will be showing us how to create communities with the help of Prof. @yousafharoonkhan lecture.

The first step to take is to login to your steemit account


Click on Steemit at the top of your profile page. It will display many things on the home page


Click on Explore communities to create your commumity. It will show you where you will input the your title i.e. what you want to name the community and the discription i.e. about the community


After imputing the information, it will help show you your password and username i.e. Ownname which you must keep safe very well because it will be your key to the community.


In this step, you most be sure you have at least 3 Steem in your wallet because the creating requires 3steem and without the Steem, it will not be created. The next screenshot will show you to confirm the creation of the community.


After this stage, it will show you if the community is successful created or not.


I have successfully created my community "Titled Motivational communi" which you can see in the above screenshot and I hope we enjoyed the process.

In conclusion, steemit social media is a blockchain based platform that reward it user's based on the quality of their post and reward them in form of Steem dollar ($SBD and $steem). I want to say a very big thank you to Prof. @yousafharoonkhan for bring up this topic. I understood and i will say Yes to be a participant in Prof. @yousafharoonkhan's class. And i also want to appreciate those that will be viewing my post, a very big thank you to you too.


Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • in making money steemit , in this area need more information, detail to explore the anwer

thank you very much for taking interest in this class

Grade ; 7

Hello Prof. @yousafharoonkhan,

Thank you very for viewing and grading my homework.