Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S20W1 [SUMMARY]: Trading Steem with the Wyckoff Method

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 months ago (edited)



Edited By PhotoFiltre & Canva

Hello Steemians,

Welcome to the weekly edition of our competition, organized by the Steemit Crypto Academy as part of the Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC) Season 20. For this first week, from September 9 to 15, 2024, we focused on an essential trading strategy: Trading STEEM with the Wyckoff Method.

This theme provided an opportunity for participants to explore the fundamentals of market behavior through the Wyckoff Method, which is crucial for understanding trends and making informed trading decisions. Applying this method allows traders to anticipate price movements and develop a strategic approach to trading.

Our participants delivered excellent submissions, demonstrating a deep understanding of the Wyckoff Method and its application in trading STEEM. Their analyses were insightful and well-researched, contributing to an engaging and informative week.

This report presents a summary of the best entries, innovative ideas, and valuable insights shared by our talented members. It also highlights the importance of mastering these concepts in cryptocurrency trading.


Participation Statistics

During this week, we received a total of 11 entries. Among them, 1 was flagged for plagiarism, leaving us with 10 valid contributions. Here’s the breakdown:

Total number of entriesInvalid entryPlagiarized content

We are satisfied with the overall quality of the valid entries, most of which exhibited a high level of engagement and a thorough understanding of the topic.


Score Distribution


Performance Distribution (%)

Out of the 10 valid entries, 40% were rated as excellent and 60% were rated as good. This distribution demonstrates that participants have a strong grasp of the Wyckoff Method, which they applied effectively in their analysis of STEEM market behavior.

The overall high quality of the submissions reflects a commendable level of engagement and analytical skills. Encouraging thoughtful and original contributions will be key to maintaining this standard in future contests.


Top 5 Users This Week

Based on the quality of the submissions, we are pleased to recognize the following top contributors for this week:




We are pleased with the participation and quality of submissions in the first week of Season 20. Despite one disqualified entry, the remaining participants provided valuable insights and demonstrated a strong understanding of the Wyckoff Method. As we move forward, we aim to encourage even more original and thoughtful contributions, while maintaining strict adherence to competition rules to avoid plagiarism.

We thank all participants for their contributions and look forward to the coming weeks, where we will continue to explore enriching and relevant topics in the world of cryptocurrency trading.


All the participants did a great job exploring the wyckoff method. Each entry was wonderful and full of visual as well as textual explanation.

And it was a great chance to learn and dive deep in the wyckoff method using Steem trading.

All these articles can help the investors to get insights about the current trend and the upcoming trend of Steem. One can easily utilise these steps to analyse it.

It was really interesting topic to explore and personally I enjoyed it a lot while determining the different phases of the wyckoff method.

I learn and explore how accumulation zone works and similarly after accumulation zone how the markup phase occur.

Then the distribution phase where strong hands and smart investors distribute their holdings to the retailers and supply and volume of the tokens increases in the market which ultimately lead to the markdown phase.

I will be preparing my entry to the next learning lecture about the Elliott Wave Theory.

Thank You Steemit Team for this great opportunity to enhance trading skills in a great way.

Thank you 😊

 3 months ago 

Congratulations for all winners 🏆🎉🏆
@aneukpineung78 padahal pengen merumpok wate meetup, gx ada mentor crypto, saya bisa buat entry ini sampek 3 hari lamanya dan untuk entry ini saya sudah menghabiskan 2 hari dan akhirnya saya belum selesai juga... 🤧😄
Saya suka belajar crypto... Hana pat tateumanyong 😭

3 hari untuk mengerjakan tugas SCA? Itu termasuk cepat. Saya menghabiskan 4 hari lebih (iya, memang, di waktu senggang, selepas kerja dan urusan rumah). Kalau masalah mentor crypto, saya belum merasa cukup ilmu untuk bisa diberi kehormatan demikian. Sekedar berbagi hal-hal kecil boleh lah, dan pastinya kebanyakan dari itu adalah hanya teoretis saja, karena saya memang belum (dan mungkin sekali tidak akan pernah) menjalaninya dalam tataran praktis. Ilmu tentnag kripto itu luas sekali, saya hanya baru menyentuh sedikit bagian luar yang sangat kecil sekali.

Kalau disebut bahwa topik minggu lalu itu tentang kripto, itu sedikit rancu. Lebih pas disebut bahwa topik minggu lalu itu tentang trading (perdagangan). Kebetulan yang diinginkan untuk "diperdagangkan" adalah STEEM yang merupakan salah satu mata uang kripto. Sebenarnya apa yang dibahas pada minggu 1 kemaren, bisa diterapkan pada semua aset: kripto, saham, komoditas (minyak, nikel, dsb), dll.

Minggu ke 2 yang baru meluncur juga memilih topik perdagangan (trade). Semangat! Mungkin kita akan bertemu di SCA pada Minggu ke 2 ini. Tapi mungkin juga tidak, saya akan sedikit lebih sibuk dari minggu kemaren dengan pekerjaan kantor dan keluarga. Minggu ini partisipasi saya di SEC besar kemungkinan tidak seaktif minggu lalu.

Semangat, ya!

 3 months ago 

Trading bukannya bagian dari crypto juga?
Bukan itu masalahnya, setidaknya saat ada titik dimana "meusantok" Saya bisa bertanya...
Kalo udah senang walaupun membutuhkan banyak waktu, tetap saja kita ingin kembali lagi dengan tema yang baru, ilmu baru...
Uhm, semangat! 💪

Trading dan Crypto adalah dua hal berbeda. Dalam trading, crypto bisa jadi aset yang diperjual-belikan. Dan eksistensi kripto sebagai salah satu aset dagang, tentu saja juga tidak bisa lepas dari dunia trading. Mereka dua hal berbeda tetapi saling terikat dalam suatu cara tertentu. Crypto dalam dunia trading ibarat ikan bacee dalam air sungai. Dalam air sungai bukan hanya ada bacee. Begitulah kira-kira perumpamaannya jika kita hendak memasukkannya ke dalam kearifan orang-orang kawasan Leubok Mane, areanya Pak Guru @bahrol.

Minggu ke 2 SEC Season 20 di SCA masih mengambil topik trading. Saya sendiri juga sebenarnya lebih menikmati topik tentang crypto khususnya teknologi blockchain, tetapi trading juga merupakan topik yang menarik.

Bacee kebanyakan hidup dirawa, dirawa juga ada Kruep...

Terimakasih atas koreksinya, Pak. Maklum saya sudah lama jadi orang gunung di mana Bacee susah ditemukan. Saya bahkan sudah lupa rupa Bacee.

Ah! Dan KRUEP! Saya malah sudah lupa ada ikan bernama kruep. Rupanya dai ikan ini juga saya sudah lupa. Bahasa Indonesia-nya apa ya, saya mau cari gambarnya di internet. Mungkin @liasteem paham? Bang @seribubulan? Pak Guru @candra8692?

Terimakasih, crypto-academy. Mengikuti ini adalah kesempatan yang luar biasa. Semoga saya bisa tetap memiliki energi dan kesempatan. SAya menikmati SEC, khususnya SCA.

Khusus untuk Bro @stream4u, hey you made it at the last minute and record your name here. I hope we will see each other in Week 2.

We will surely try our best. Thanks for ranking increased to 5.

Congratulations to all winners.

thank you so much my dear friend and you also congratulation.

Thank You. It was an interesting topic.

Ah yes, I was wondering the whole week since I didn't see you anywhere. Now the band is complete again. :D