Steemit Crypto Academy | Summary On Homework Task Week8 -Season 2

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)


At the end of the 8th and final week of season2, I would first like to thank @steemcurator01 the administrator of our great community SteemitCryptoAcademy, who entrusted us with this mission; it will remain a special teaching experience.

I would also like to sincerely thank all the professors without exception, who very kindly shared their knowledge and were able to be available, attentive and give you valuable advice throughout this season. I am very grateful for the time they were kind enough to devote to you and for their kindness which greatly contributed to the successful conduct of this mission. Thanks to them, the level of the students which was in priorities of our work has been enriched.

79 members participated in this week. They tried with their research efforts and knowledge gains to give their best in order to get the best grades. This can only be achieved by hard work, learning and benefit. Despite the many challenges, you have proven to yourself and us that you can overcome difficulties and move forward towards success.

We hope, as usual, that this competition has achieved its scientific and cognitive benefits and restored the spirit of honest competition among the contestants. I also hope that we have succeeded in asking these questions.

  • Define the Bollinger Bands indicator by explaining its calculation method, how does it work? and what is the best Bollinger Band setup?
  • What is a breakout and how do you determine it? (Screenshot required)
  • How to use Bollinger bands with a trending market? (screenshot required)
  • What is the best indicator to use with Bollinger Bands to make your trade more meaningful? (Screenshot required) (Screenshot required)
  • What timeframe does the Bollinger Bands work best on?And why? (Screenshots required)
  • Review the chart of any pair and present the various signals giving by the indicator Bollinger Bands. (Screenshot required)

Homework correction :

Despite the great importance of technical analysis, beginners in cryptocurrency trading often find it very difficult to understand the basics and rules of technical analysis! And when trying to learn it, they often find themselves stuck in the middle of charts and graphs that seem to them vague and very complex! In fact, technical analysis of cryptocurrencies is not that complicated and can be learned easily if you succeed in understanding its idea and basic rules! This is what we sought to present through this lesson and the previous lessons to all beginners in trading, where we got to know the Bollinger Bands indicator.

This indicator is often essential for traders as it presents bounds that are often used as resistance and support levels.

Bollinger bands adjust to the price based on volatility.

In technical analysis, it makes it possible to evaluate the future evolution of the price of an asset or of an index.

Graphically, Bollinger Bands tell us if prices are moving too far from moving averages.

The signals that can be obtained from the Bollinger Bands trading indicator, are:

  • The tightness of the Bollinger Bands: Squeeze is approaching the upper limit and the lower limit of the Bollinger Bands, and in this case we wait for the breach in one of the two directions; Let's go in the direction of the breakout.
  • When the price touches the lower band: This is a classic buy signal, however, if the price continues to fall below the lower boundary, the decline is likely to continue.
  • When the price touches the upper band: This is a classic sell signal, however, if the price rises above the range, the rally is likely to continue.

Evaluation criteria :

Student assessment is sometimes referred to as student feedback, however the term feedback needs to be used with a careful distinction that separates feedback from students about their experience and feedback from students about their progress. Feedback from students is the same basic meaning of assessment.

The teacher's assessment of student achievement, and the process of collecting, examining and using information about what students know and can do, is the foundation of effective teaching and learning.

Since the relationship between assessment and teaching and learning is a dynamic and interactive relationship, and the collection, analysis, and use of assessment information is an integral part of the teaching and learning process, without meaningful assessment information, teachers can be sure that they have taught, they cannot be sure that their students have learned what they have set out in its teaching, or that teaching is closely related to students' educational needs and interests.

For us, the evaluation is based on illustrated criteria, which I have defined since the first week at the following link.

Results, Observations and Suggestions:

Rating ContentExcellentGoodAverageUnder averagePlagiarismLate submitting


General observations:

For this week, I am very happy with the increase in the success rate, especially the excellent articles. According to the provided statistics, we note that the success rate reached 83%, or 10% more than last week's rate, with a decrease in the number of participants by 12%. Where we find 32% excellent content, 26% good content, and 25% average content, giving the impression that the topic is accessible and well understood in general. The failure rate remains 17% which is a failure to get a good evaluation for several reasons, such as rushing to answer questions without reading the lesson correctly, asking questions, poor writing, or answering after the specified time, so we will give you several tips later, I hope it is useful for everyone.

According to the above findings, we also note that the proportion of articles containing plagiarism has not increased to settle at 5% of the total submitted articles, and as moderators of the SteemitCryptoAcademy community, we have worked to preserve the rights of genuine readers and encourage the creation of high-quality content. Therefore, we will not tolerate any transgression to permanently eliminate this phenomenon in our academy.

Suggestions :

An essay is a written work that proposes a single topic in the form of an idea or several interconnected ideas, and a successful essay most likely consists of an introduction that is attractive and interesting to attract the reader's attention, and then the presentation, in which the details of the topic and the presentation of the ideas related to it are made, and then the conclusion and it contains a summary of what came in the presentation.

The writer should be careful when searching for his information from the Internet, and be keen on taking the information from reliable sources, and the search process is one of the most important steps in writing an article because it directs you to the right path and provides you with the necessary information.

Even if you wrote an article on a consumer topic and many articles were written about it previously, presenting the same topic in a different manner and from a new angle will be enough to attract the reader.

Write a draft first or a group of ideas or points that you want to talk about in the article in general, then start with the part and talk about each idea or point, explain and explain it to the reader in some detail, in the form of organized paragraphs.

You should rewrite the essay and reformulate each paragraph appropriately and clearly for all readers, paying attention to the rules of writing.

At the end of the article, write a summary that you have concluded as a reader of the article, and do not repeat everything you wrote previously, but talk about the main idea you wrote about in short.

After completing the essay, you must:

  • Use punctuation marks (comma, period, etc.) in the appropriate places.
  • Always try to put yourself in the reader's shoes.
  • Ensure that paragraphs are short.
  • Review the article to correct spelling errors, if any.

The easiest way to protect yourself and your research from plagiarism is to give yourself enough time to write your article. It becomes very easy to make mistakes if you are working within a tight time frame.

Conversely, when you have the time to do your in-depth research and pay attention to the content you write, you will be able to avoid all the unnecessary mistakes that could cost you a lot.

TOP 3 Homework week 8 season 2.

This week we had so many articles with full scores that it became difficult to pick the top three winners, making it according to very fine detail, the most important of which is originality. As we know, the nature of the competition requires that winning positions be selected.

Thus, congratulations to those who reached the pinnacle of victory, and of course many thanks and congratulations to everyone who participated in the competition and was unlucky. And our message to them is to keep writing and to enter the race track again.





Felicitaciones a los mejores, Gracias por sus comentarios profesor los tener en cuenta espero llegar a ser uno de los mejores de sus clases..


 3 years ago 

Thankyou so much professor for selecting my post in top 3.

Thank you so much professor @kouba01. It is my pleasure performing your homework task. Best regards.

Thank you professor @kouba01 for selecting my work. I wish you more convenience in your work and hope to keep participating in your assignments.

Hello sir, greetings for the day!!!
I am a new follower of steemit crypto community but luckily when I got this plateform, I am very happy that I can now learn and share knowledge about trading.
I want to ask you that whether the lectures will start again or this is the just end?

Hello @kuba01
I'm new to Steemit. Achievement is completed up to 5.1. I am interested to work in your group of cryto Academy . What kind of post and homework do I have to do. Is it helpful to give details ???

Hello again @kouba01. Thank You for all the teachings.

I enjoyed this season My friend. Your clasess were exellent. You inspired me, now I'm appliying to be Professor too.

All my support my friend, you deserve this post.

Thank You mate!!!!

Gracias profesor @kouba01 por su dedicación, sus publicaciones han sido a mi parecer excelentes y ahora esta en particular me ha cautivado, gracias por las sugerencias. Mis sinceras felicitaciones a los seleccionados.

@kouba01 thank you for your teachings, one day i would give your assignment a trial. Tuank you for most of your simplified lectures