Crypto Academy / Season 4 / Week 3 - Homework Post for - @yohan2on

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

Hello Everyone, so today I invite you all to read today's Homework on Blockchain in Healthcare subject which is given by Professor @yohan2on.

So let us continue with our homework.


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Research and Discuss the potential applications of Blockchain in the Health care industry



As we know that the Blockchain is a decentralized system, which works as the public ledger where all the transactions which are made in the network got saved. The blockchain has features such as anonymity, transparency, security, and much more. So today I am gonna tell you all about the potential applications of Blockchain in the Health care industry.

As we know that there are many areas in which improvement is needed in the health sector or industry and we also know that the health of a person is something we all should prioritize. So let us see which health systems and areas need improvement and how the blockchain can fix that problem.

Areas in Healthcare System which need Improvements:

So the major issue we all can see for the patients is the accuracy of treatment. This exists in information management, the privacy of the patients' information, accessibility to the medical records.

At that moment the blockchain has been the only choice that can be used in record management without compromising the security of the patient's information.

Blockchain technology can work in the healthcare sector, as it works on the encrypted data ledger, which links the blocks containing the information together safely. And all the information or data is secured without involving any third party in it. And as it works on the distributed database, so all the information will be available on the network making the transparency of the information and also secure in the network.

How blockchain makes health data more secure.

The blockchain makes health data more secure as it works on the Encrypted method, which makes it nearly impossible to hack something, So the blockchain makes the Patients data a lot secure, and nobody can even change the information in from the blockchain.

And even if someones wants to hack it they will have to hack more than 51% percent of servers to compromise the network, which is very difficult to happen.

And with the help of blockchain the patients can have their password and id and they can access their information and data while being at home and also can use it to verify the access of data to the hospitals, so that will promote the health without needing vulnerable data.


Applications of Blockchain in the Health care industry and Blockchain Projects


Supply Chain:

If we see in the healthcare industry the major challenge is of the supply chain, and the ensuring of the products or medical goods to confirm the authentication of them.

So the blockchain system can help in having track of the medical goods, as when it left the manufacturing point and when it will reach the desired place. And because of blockchain it also will have full transparency and visibility of the products.

As we can see that because of that many lives have been lost, as people didn't know that when will there Medical devices, products or medicines will reach them, especially in remote areas. So the blockchain can make that thing easy there.

My family also do the business of the medicines supply and I think there is the need of that, as many times the medicines got expired and we had to face the loss in that, so while researching for the today's homework I got to know about the company by the name Mediledger, which is a good example of the blockchain in the Healthcare sector. As it enables the Medical companies to verify the expiry dates, the authentication of the medicines, and also much other information as well.



Medical Errors:

Here below we can see in the Johns Hopkins research on medical errors as a proportion of annual deaths in the US, 2016, that because of Medical Errors there have been 251,454 deaths or you can say that it was because of errors in the patient's records or poorly coordinated care of the patients.


Taken from [stlpartners](

And the solution for this is creating blockchain-based applications, which can nearly end the medical errors, as all the patient's information such as the doctor's notes, prescription, and their all previous medical records will be saved in one place, and only the patients can give access to the peoples or doctors if they wanna see it.

So for this, the company we can see which is providing the application to overcome the Medical Errors is Medicalchain. So the Medicalchain using the blockchain and by using that the patients can have control of their medical data or records, which they can even share with any doctor or hospital by giving them access to see.

The Medicalchain is also working on a platform, from which the patients can have virtual consultations, and also can build their Digital health Solutions.


taken from medicalchain

The Medicalchain, also have their own Medtokens which they can use in that site for virtual consultations and other blockchain purposes.

Medical Staff Verfications:

In this firstly I want to share a little story from my country, so as my country is on the 6th on the verge of population, while our literacy rate is very low, so the system here is also weak.

So a week ago I was reading a newspaper and I got to know that in one of the cities of my country a security guard did surgery on a patient and I was very astonished by thinking that there was no one there to stop him, or nobody recognizes him.

So to save our Healthcare sector from these types of things, we need Blockchain technology in the medical staff's verifications. Just like the Blockchain with supply chain, which has full information the Medical Goods, so just like that we also can have full information of the medical staffs which are working in the country and also an authorized Doctors or Nurses.

So by that, it also can help in the hiring process of the Doctors or other Medical staff.



To overcome this gap a company by the name ProCredEx was developed, which was also made on Blockchain technology. ProCredEx is working on the credentials data or credentials verification system.

Other than that there are also many other Applications which use the Blockchain technology, in the healthcare Industry such Akiri, BurstIQ, Factom, Avaneer, SimplyVital Health, RoboMed, and many others, which are used for the Tracing and securing medical supplies, Health insurance claims, Tracking diseases and outbreaks and also for many other Healthcare things.




As we all know that the health is the main priority for humans. And we still are exploring many of the areas in health as even in this technological and advanced era, people are still losing their lives from the medical errors, and also for many other reasons.

So the Blockchain technology is a decentralized system, which is based on the distributed ledger, providing encrypted databases, transparency, anonymity, and variability, which can help in the Healthcare industry, in saving the lives of many people.

And as now there are applications that are using the Blockchain, but they are not yet used normally, so we all have to create an awareness regarding that so we can save many lives.

Now that was all from my side.



Hi @maazmoid123

Thanks for participating in the Steemit Crypto Academy

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This is good content. Thanks for taking the time to research as you share your thoughts on the possible applications of Blockchain in the Medical industry.

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