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RE: Crypto Academy Season 3 | Advanced course - Task 7: Lightning Network

in SteemitCryptoAcademy4 years ago (edited)

0.002 btc is equal to 100$. That is too much. In my view, people are not interested in making homework post due to this fact. First we will have to convert sbd to steem then steem to btc and then ot will be sent in Electrum wallet. Practical work is required to complete this homework post and it is quite difficult.

I was writing the post and now I realized this fact and stopped my post.


First read this Question once again:-

Set up Lighting Wallet(Create a standard wallet, then open a Channel), open a Lightning Channel using Electrum(Trampoline Node), Phoenix, or any other non-custodial wallet that supports Lightning Network, make an eCommerce purchase(or a micro-Transaction) using Lightning Channel, then close the Channel?

It is not mandatory to explore an LN wallet in Electrum only. You can choose any non-custodial wallet.

Have you tried Phoenix??

You can explore with Phoenix with as little as 10000 satoshis which is less than $5.

In the Advanced tier, the average reward is more than 50 USD. So you can not spend even $5 for a Task and that too u can withdraw it back and use it for other purposes. So in reality, if we take fees into account, then it will only incur a total cost of 2 USD at max, not more than that. I think that makes sense.

Thank you.

 4 years ago (edited)

I honestly experienced the same 100$ hitch... I used up to 30$ worth of Bitcoin and it kept saying sat too low.. Will try again with the Phoenix wallet, most of us assumed since it was too high with the electreum wallet it will be the same with other wallet. Thank you for the clarification sir

Thanks for suggestion of Phoenix and I have used this wallet for this homework post. Here is my post link for your kind consideration.