Dex, Cex, Popular Exchanges and Trading Cryptos - Steemit Crypto Academy Season 5 - Homework Post for Task 7

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)
Hello my dear steemian friend, I am here presenting of beginners task 7.



(1-) Choose any of the following exchanges and develop a basic guide on how to use it, indicating whether it is decentralised or centralised.

Huobi ,KuCoin, Waves Dex


Huobi, KuCoin and Waves Dex, These are the exchangers of cryptocurrencies, through which we can do trading, deposit with INR and can get many more facilities, we need to understand this well because without understanding we can't use any of these.

There are three options to choose. First I was little confused what should I choose? But after sometime, reading many articles from Google. I decided to choose Huobi.
Let's tell in details-


Huobi is a centralised crypto exchange.This exchange is one of the largest exchanges in the world. This exchange was formed in China in 2013. This exchange provides us many types of facilities. When I was just searching in Google then I found Huobi global is on the three position in the so I choose this exchange. By the way all exchanges are good. But I choose this just like that.


Although Huobi is on the third position yet some coins are listing before then other exchange.
There is also less fees in this exchange plateform. I saw here another good one thing. When we chat for supporting or any inquiry or any doubt. Then we may chat directly with human. But i saw many exchange plateform provides not support system. So I liked this facility of talking with human.
Now I will tell here what is the use and how to use.

Now I will discuss here on how to use

Register on this plateform?

First we should click on the get started for starting. Then we moved on the next pages.


If I want to create new account then I have to fill below details. First I should fill gmail id then I make the strong password.

When we fill upper details. Then we found a OTP in our gmail then we should fill here👇 for creating account.


This is the basic guidelines of the create account. I hope it will be good for all of you.

How to buy usdt (By P2P)

First I open the Huobi . So we can see there are many options but click on the P2P.


After clicking P2P option next interface opens.


Here we can see, we can purchase usdt from anyone. We should buy usdt according to our money limit. When I click on any seller options then we found next page 👇.


Let's we want to buy usdt in 100 inr. So I should write here 100. Then confirm order.
Now I reach next page.


Here is one option of pay now. So I should pay by upi. Then click on the confirmation of transfer money. After few minutes seller sends usdt of 100.

How to sell usdt.

First I should click on the P2P then click on the sell option. Now I should choose that person which is on our range.


Now click on the sell button. Then we find next page. 👇


Here we have to fill amount if i want to sell all then click on all. Then click on the order.
Then we find next page👇

Here I have to fill trading password 🔑.
Then we find next pages👇.

Now our order has been placed. When we find rupee. Then click on the "I have received the payment."

It is all process of selling usdt.

Some Features of Huobi Global:-

There are some types of features here-
I will tell here some of them -

Here we can see 5 options. There are some uses of these options.


Here we can see👆, the increase in the prices of crypto is written on the top and here is one more thing that which coin has increased by how much.


Here we can see👆, How much coin has been bought in the last 24 hours. Here ethereum is one coin which was bought most .


Here are the coins which were recently launched.


Now I wil tell here, under tha market options, we can choose our favourite crypto currency. So that we could watch our favourite crypto immediately.


This is the option by which we can see how much BTC is in our wallet and how much money is in INR.


Thank you Professor @imagen @dilchamo @nane15
