in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)



What happens before your translation is what translates into the eternal bliss of your soul. The time you have here has been given to you to enhance your preparation for eternity. The Bible warns for you to “pass the time of your sojourning here in fear” (1 Peter 1:17).

The fear of God borders so much on the restraints and constraints we allow for ourselves, in the light of God’s provisions and allowances for our lives. If you choose to live without due recourse to the provisions and allowances of God’s Word for your life; your transition from here may actually be a hard embrace with an eternity of regret. The fact that everyone transits from here is certain. We certainly don’t have a continuing city here; but, we seek one to come. Whether by rapture or death, when your work on earth is done, everyone goes. The big question is this: when you leave here, what will be said about the life you lived on earth?

What men have to say of you is one, the testimony of God concerning your life is another. Men may see it as a life well spent, but with God it could be a life thoroughly wasted. God’s testimony is what matters, because He is the Judge and He is the One with Whom we have to do. He is the One to whom we owe an account for the time we spent here. Every one ought to strive for an enduring testimony with God. God’s testimony of us borders on His provisions for our lives and absolute compliance is what guarantees an eternity of bliss. Before Enoch’s translation, he had this testimony that he pleased God. What will be your testimony when you transit to the other side of the divide?

This is a very crucial time we are living in, the coming of the Lord is at hand. It is only one life and it will soon be past; only that which is done for God will stand eternity. We are not here for what we can acquire for ourselves or our descendants. We brought nothing into this world and it is certain we will carry nothing out. We are here to please God. God has created all things including you and for His pleasure we are and were created. It’s all about pleasing God. Enoch was said to have pleased God; what will heaven say of you when you leave here?


Pleasing God is not living to do your own thing. If you live to do your own, you will leave to give account. What have you done with the sacrifice of Jesus? Your compliance with His provisions and allowances for your life, goes to show the pleasure He derives from your life.