in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

IMAGE CREDIT: christlifemin.org


One thing that sets men on a war path with God is their lofty looks as a “happening” person; as if without them, nothing really gets to work. With such an awful disposition, you will not fail to have trouble with God. lofty looks takes its bearing from a selfish and proud heart. When you are after the applause of men, what men have to say of you and what you stand to get from men, you will not miss the look that qualifies you for humiliation.

No matter your level of achievement, no matter the position you have attained in life; you are still a man. You are flesh and Scriptures affirm that all flesh is grass with the comeliness of the flower of the field that fadeth. The lofty look of man does not work for the exaltation due God in our lives. Often times you will discover that God first of all works to bring down the lofty looks of man, in order to have His way with him. This is particularly true; because, His glory He will share with no man.

IMAGE CREDIT: scripture-images.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com

Whatever it is that informs the lofty looks of any man, must be an endowment which no doubt has come from God. it is not in any way something to hijack for self gratification. It is something to catch on for the glorification of the God Who gave it. There is really nothing we have, which we have not received from God and we must learn to live humbly before Him.

If you have discovered that you are very beautiful and you seek to make merchandise out of it for self gratification at the expense of the glory due God, it’s up to you. divine endowment must not be seen as a license for a lofty look, when you begin to look down on others. You did not create yourself, you only discovered that you are beautiful and the creator of beauty overrules that beauty is vain. What then are you up to?

Perhaps you prayed for someone and there is the testimony of answered prayers; what then is your own, with your lofty look that gives you a feeling of superiority over others? Is it not prayer that you prayed? Are you the one that answered it? If you have what it takes to answer; what of those hidden and age long needs in your life? Let’s learn to walk humbly before the Lord: if you don’t, our text passage Isaiah 2:11 affirms that God will humble you. The God that humbled Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon is the God we are talking about.

What is it that makes you differ from another? A man can receive nothing except it is given him from above. Stay humble with what you have received and let the glory go back to the God Who gave it.


Thanks for reminding us that we are but just men,nothing more..so humbling