in HeartChurch4 years ago



For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7

Your thinking is synonymous with the kind of life you live. So much has to do with your thinking; that, the Bible says in Philippians 4:8 –

“Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things”

One good index that your life is not your own; is the fact that you are not permitted to think on just any thing. The Author and owner of your life has boundaries set for your thinking. For you to live an accomplished life; your thinking has to be within the confines of His set boundaries, because your thinking has so much bearing the quality of life you live. Anything can flip through your mind; but, it doesn’t necessarily translate into your thinking when you give it attention and you begin to roll it over in your mind. Before any seed of thought secures your attention; they wait to be filtered through the sieve of God’s Word as stated in the aforementioned Scripture –Philipians 4:8.

Any thought that doesn’t match should be discarded. If in life of stubborn self will, you will suffer serious pollution. Not only will it contaminate you, you may actually stand the danger of having your spiritual life jeopardized. You may see it as a little thing which you feel you can handle; but you will need to learn caution, because, a little heaven leaveneth the whole lump. Your thinking is such an important aspect of your life; that, you just can’t afford to toy with it.

Many today have taken on terrible habits in life, all because of their thinking. Marriages have been broken, ministries destroyed; all because of one form of thinking or the other. Looking at the extent of damage; you’ll discover that it all began with the seed of an awful thought that was allowed to slip in, and take root.

So much emanate from our thinking. The Bible warns for us to keep our heart with all diligent, for out of it are the issues of life. There is no form of thinking that stands on its own. Your thinking is sourced from what you see, hear or feel. If you can be careful with what you allow into your eyes or ears, you are very likely going to effectively take charge of your thinking. If it gets in through your eyes or ears and takes form in your heart; it becomes really difficult to handle and it could get you into a life of crisis, spiritually and physically. Stay guided by God’s word and be watchful; because, it’s your and it’s your life.

  • My thoughts aligned with the principles of God’s word is principal in the wisdom I have found in the race of life. My journey shall not end in shame.