in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)



When the situation begins to bite hard; it is not time to retreat, rather it is time to bite hard on the Word of God, seeking to have it exactly as the Word has said it will be. Everything aligns with God’s Word. Biting hard on God’s Word when you seem to be in jeopardy not knowing what to do, compels your nagging situation to align with God’s Word for your life.

Like the Psalmist puts it – “My soul followeth hard after Thee: Thy right hand upholdeth me” (Psalm 63:8).

In every hard situation you are confronted with; the enemy’s primary agenda is to get you defocused and cause you to give up on God. At such times, you will need to refire until you acquire. The “fuel” for the kind of refiring that takes you to the point of fulfillment is secured from God’s Word. The more of His Word you bite, the more His propelling grace comes alive in your situation.

There is something you must find, when the going gets tough and it has to do with God’s Word. Locate yourself in God’s plans and designs for your life; locate your situation in His Word and you will prevail by the Word. When the Word of God becomes your stay; you will gladly have mischief and despair out of your life. There is something about the Word –

“They are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh” (Proverbs 4:22). The Word of God is spirit and life: The drive you need in getting along in the toughest of times is sourced from the Word. When you learn to stay inclined to God’s Word, you will see yourself soaring contrary to the expectation of the enemy.

Get to know what God has said concerning your situation and plunge yourself into it. Plug your life unto the socket of God’s Word and you will experience the powerful “transmission” of God’s faithfulness to His Word.

When the situation bites, the tendency is for the enemy to keep you away from God’s Word and drain off from your life the zeal for prayer. If you allow these to happen, you are in trouble and with the situation that is already biting hard, you will be badly beaten by the enemy. If you act contrary to the expectation of the enemy, by staying glued to God’s Word, you will prevail by the Word.