Jesus the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever is my God and your God. He holds the universe in His hands and He is the Lord of lords and the King of Kings. He is ever presence in our lives and in our midst both in the good and bad time, because He will never leave or forsake us.
Today message will just be simple and focusing on the sacrificial life of our Lord and Savor Jesus Christ. One of the reason why Jesus came into this world was to die for mankind sins and bring us back to God and our original state of origin which Satan took away from the fist man called Adam.
A willingly and ignorantly gave His right and authority to Satan when he first disobey God's word and ate the forbidding fruit in the garden of Eden. And Jesus came into this world to bring man back to God and return back Man's original state as it was from the beginning.
The major reason why we are here is to impart what God has put into us to our generation. We are not here by chance or by mistake but by the mercy and wonderful hand of God. We are not here to make and acquire all the whole wealth of this world but to impact lives positively and change lives with the wealth and talent that God has giving to us all.
Jesus Christ came into this world just for one purpose and that purpose He fulfilled before living this world.
But why are we here? That is one of the big question we should ask our self.
No man or woman is worthless in this world, each and every one of us have a part to play and help our generation no matter your current financial status of life; you can still contribute and make a positive impact to your generation now and your generation unborn.
Let's us all live a sacrificial life of giving as Jesus Christ Our Lord and savor did, because God holds the universe in His hand and He watches and see all the actives of us all.
OK, that is all for today......We should never be weary in doing good because our reward in from God Almighty who sits in His throne far above all principalities and power.
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