Moving Up a level
It is almost always common to hear people complain about the processes, nobody wants to go through it, but it is impossible not to, therefore we must be prepared because life will pass you through it at some point.
But what happens when we go through the process and overcome it, because this is the opportunity that God makes for us to be promoted to another level.
All of us as children learn to go up steps, burning stages and advancing, the same happens in our spiritual life, so just as when we are children and we learn to walk we can take some bumps, so it happens when we want to advance in our personal process, without process it is impossible to go up a level.
Going through these situations will make you grow stronger, grow, mature, and every time you overcome obstacles your life will move to new levels where you can enjoy the fruits of being a mature and stable person.
One of the main generators of growth is the way we respond to changes, our growth process will make God raise us to a higher level, everything will depend on us, our attitude and not wanting to take shortcuts but to face and emerge victorious.
God must prepare us to fulfill our purpose, that is why he raises us to a higher level and for this to happen it is necessary to go through these tests and overcome them.
Our life begins when we accept Jesus as our savior, and from there also our process of growth, to be gaining steps, climbing steps that will lead us to the fulfillment of the purpose for which we were formed, as we learn, we go up a level, we acquire teachings, confidence, security, our faith is growing.
We must be processed to have a new nature, to create principles, to acquire wisdom, to create a character worthy of a child of God, to move to the next level.