Optimismo Que Conquista/Optimism That Conquers

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

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Para tener éxito en la vida, debemos tener una actitud correcta, positiva. Ser optimistas. Hoy más que nunca, en estos tiempos difíciles que enfrenta la humanidad a nivel mundial, se hace más evidente la necesidad de ser optimista.

El optimismo es la tendencia a ver las cosas por su lado más favorable, mientras que el pesimismo es la disposición para ver las cosas del lado desfavorable. El optimista es una persona que ve las cosas por el lado positivo y el pesimista es aquella persona que siempre piensa que pasara lo peor y por eso deja de hacer muchas cosas.

¿Cómo ser optimistas en medio de las dificultades?

En una oportunidad ley un relato que llamo mucho mi atención, se trataba de una persona que siempre estaba de buen humor y siempre tenía algo positivo que decir. Cuando alguien le preguntaba cómo le iba, él respondía con buena actitud.
En una ocasión alguien le preguntó cómo podía ser tan optimista, a lo que él respondió que lo había aprendido de su abuelo, quien siempre le aconsejaba que apreciara lo bueno de la vida y que no se concentrará en lo malo. Que cerrará sus ojos y así descubriría que el Señor sólo tenía bendiciones para él y que por eso no había de que preocuparse.

Esto nos lleva a reflexionar y nos enseña que cuando una persona se sabe en manos de alguien que lo ama de verdad, tiene la capacidad de ver el futuro con optimismo.Y es cierto que muchas veces no dedicamos a meditar o poner más atención a nuestros problemas, en vez de meditar en lo maravilloso que es nuestro Padre y que en sus manos todo irá bien, porque él tiene planes de bien y no de mal para nosotros.

Conquistando la Tierra Prometida

Fue una actitud optimista la que llevo a Josué y Caleb a conquistar la tierra prometida. En el pasaje descrito en Números: 13:25-31, vemos como doce hombres fueron enviados a reconocer el territorio. Sin embrago solo dos de ellos miraron lo buena que era la tierra y que rebosaba leche y miel.

Por el contrario los diez restantes se enfocaron más en lo negativo, en el peligro, en los obstáculos, las limitaciones y dieron un reporte totalmente negativo, desalentador y hasta desmoralizador al pueblo. Tanto así que dice la palabra que el pueblo se contagió con una actitud pesimista terrible, se desanimaron tanto que lloraron toda la noche.

Aun cuando Dios les había dicho que ellos poseería la tierra, ellos movidos por su falta de fe e incredulidad dijeron que no era posible tomar esa tierra y comenzaron a enumerar las distintas razones: sus habitantes eran más fuertes, esa tierra se trataba a sus moradores e incluso que a su parecer ellos parecían langostas ante esos gigantes.

Antes de ni siquiera intentarlo, ya en su mente estaban derrotados, maximizaron los obstáculos e incluso se subestimaron ellos mismos, se centraron tanto en esa realidad que olvidaron la promesa que Dios les había dado. Dudaron del poder de Dios para darles la victoria.

No obstante, por otro lado tenemos a Caleb y Josué que a pesar de ver todo lo que los otros vieron, no estuvieron de acuerdo con sus compañeros, y tomaron una actitud optimista, diciendo que si era posible tomar esa tierra a pesar de las circunstancias desfavorables. Y ¿por qué? Porque creyeron en la realidad de Dios y esa realidad les decía que esa tierra era para ellos.

Confiaron en el poder de Dios para darle la victoria y aunque reconocieron la fuerza de ese pueblo, también reconocieron que no tenían quien los protegiera y que ellos en cambio, tenían al Señor de su lado y por eso no tenían por qué temer. Animaban al pueblo a avanzar y a tomar posesión de esa tierra, confiando y obedeciendo totalmente a lo que Dios les dijo. Esto nos enseña la importancia de ser optimistas, pero no con un optimismo basados en nuestras mentes, emociones y fuerzas, si no en una total confianza y dependencia de Dios. Hoy en día como hijos de Dios no podemos darnos el lujo de ser pesimistas. Debemos decidir a diario qué actitud tomar ante la vida: Elegir dudar ante las circunstancias desfavorables o aun a pesar de ellas creer que algo bueno saldrá por que Dios está al control.

No renunciamos a lo que Dios nos ha prometido, no nos rindamos seamos como Josué y Caleb, y digamos mi Dios es poderoso si él lo dijo él lo hará, voy a perseverar, voy a avanzar, voy a creerle y a obedecer porque que Él me dará la victoria. Te invito a que marques la diferencia y comiences a practicar el optimismo.



To be successful in life, we must have a correct, positive attitude. Be optimistic. Today more than ever, in these difficult times facing humanity worldwide, the need to be optimistic is more evident.

Optimism is the tendency to see things from the more favorable side, while pessimism is the disposition to see things from the unfavorable side. The optimist is a person who sees things on the positive side and the pessimist is the person who always thinks the worst will happen and that is why he stops doing many things.

How to be optimistic in the midst of difficulties?

On one occasion I read a story that caught my attention, it was about a person who was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone asked him how he was doing, he responded with a good attitude.
Someone once asked him how he could be so optimistic, to which he replied that he had learned it from his grandfather, who always advised him to appreciate the good in life and not focus on the bad. That he will close his eyes and thus discover that the Lord had only blessings for him and that he should not worry about that.

This leads us to reflect and teaches us that when a person knows himself in the hands of someone who truly loves him, he has the ability to see the future with optimism.
And it is true that many times we do not dedicate ourselves to meditating or paying more attention to our problems, instead of meditating on how wonderful our Father is and that everything will go well in his hands, because he has good and not bad plans for us. .

Conquering the promised land

It was an optimistic attitude that led Joshua and Caleb to conquer the promised land. In the passage described in Numbers: 13: 25-31, we see how twelve men were sent to reconnoitre the territory. However, only two of them looked at how good the land was and that it was overflowing with milk and honey.

On the contrary, the remaining ten focused more on the negative, the danger, the obstacles, the limitations and gave a totally negative, discouraging and even demoralizing report to the people. So much so that the word says that the people were infected with a terrible pessimistic attitude, they became so discouraged that they cried all night.

Even when God had told them that they would possess the land, they, moved by their lack of faith and unbelief, said that it was not possible to take that land and began to list the different reasons: its inhabitants were stronger, that land treated its inhabitants. and even that in his opinion they looked like locusts to those giants.

Before even trying, they were already defeated in their mind, they maximized the obstacles and even underestimated themselves, they focused so much on that reality that they forgot the promise that God had given them. They doubted the power of God to give them victory.

However, on the other hand we have Caleb and Josué who despite seeing everything the others saw, did not agree with their companions, and took an optimistic attitude, saying that it was possible to take that land despite the circumstances. unfavorable. And because? Because they believed in the reality of God and that reality told them that this land was for them.

They trusted in the power of God to give them the victory and although they recognized the strength of that people, they also recognized that they had no one to protect them and that they instead had the Lord on their side and that is why they had no reason to fear. They encouraged the people to move forward and take possession of that land, trusting and fully obeying what God told them.

This teaches us the importance of being optimistic, but not with an optimism based on our minds, emotions and forces, but on a total trust and dependence on God. Today as children of God we cannot afford to be pessimistic. We must decide daily what attitude to take towards life: Choose to doubt in the face of unfavorable circumstances or even in spite of them to believe that something good will come out because God is in control.

We do not renounce what God has promised us, we do not give up, let's be like Josué and Caleb, and let's say my God is powerful if he said it, he will do it, I will persevere, I will advance, I will believe him and obey because that He me will give victory. I invite you to make a difference and start practicing optimism.


 3 years ago 

Forging a way of being enthusiastic, dynamic, enterprising and down to earth are some of the qualities that distinguish the optimistic person.

"Turn back, my daughters, and go; for I am too old to have a husband. And even if I said: I have hope, and tonight I was with a husband, and I even gave birth to children," Ruth 1:12

Optimism is the value that helps us face difficulties with good courage and perseverance, discovering the positive things that people and circumstances have, trusting in our abilities and possibilities along with the help we can receive.

Yes you are right in todays world everyone must be optimistic so as to get positive results. Never loosing hope on God as well is very vital, I believe that God will continue to give me the grace to be optimistic. Nice post @darlenys