in HeartChurch4 years ago


Marriage is God's idea which is as old as creation itself. Long before the legal arrangement came into existence, God has said

"And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Gen. 2:18(KJV)

Marriage is not a contract! God's kind of marriage is a covenant and covenants are not done based on social exchange, but rather, the covenant of marriage is based on unconditional love which is an unbreakable promise between a man and a woman made in God's ordinance.

Many people enter into marriage as a contract because of the wrong reasons such as feelings, beauty, resourcefulness,humor, money, social integration, Resident permit, security etc.

Whatever is the reason for getting married will be the reason for staying married. The day that the reason has gone, the contract is over!

Marriage is and has been sacred because it is God's invention, not man's and that is why man needs God's guidance and help to succeed in it.

Marital covenant means you are unconditionally committed to your spouse (man and wife) irrespective of circumstances. In sickness and in health, poverty and riches, in what ever one of the partner finds his /herself.

This covenant is "honourable and must not be defied". Hebrews Chapter 13:14 and 1Corinthians 6:18-20 exemplifies the sin that is committed without the body and compares it to fornication which is against the body. You are to honour God God and His covenant in MARRIAGE

It is quite true that a handful of people are stuck in their marriage, a lot want it out and some wants theirs to work but don't know what to do.

Here's some things you have to do to be happy in your marriage and relationship.

  • Don't be irritated or tired of your spouse.
    Understand that your spouse is human and is bond to offend you. Accept his / her weakness and strength and try to adjust to accommodate him or her.

  • Don't be weary of your marriage.
    Marriage is meant to be enjoyed, not endured. Stop comparing your husband/wife with others as that is how being weary in marriage starts. Create moments that will bring happiness in the home.

  • Pray for the restoration of your marriage and pray diligently.
    The family that prays together, stays together and the family that stays together, prays together. Never allow yourselves to not be praying. Pray to God to teach you how to relate with your wife/husband.

  • Change your Perception of Marriage.
    Stop seeing marriage as a contract that could be terminated.

  • Get Help if you feel the problem will escalate.
    By getting help, I am not implying reporting or gossiping about your spouse. I mean your willingness to be help by a marriage counselor who will support the biblical view.

  • Extend unconditional love to your spouse.
    Love your spouse as Christ Loves the church with Patience, Forgiveness, Compassion and empowerment.

  • Believe and Confess that it is possible to have a happy marriage.

  • Submit to God first and one another.

  • Build a strong friendship with your spouse based on honour and respect.


  • Self centeredness
  • Pride and Stubbornness
  • Denial of a problem, not admitting t faults
  • Lack of trust
  • Anger
  • Money, Power and Status driven.


Father, help me to fulfill your mandate for my life concerning marriage. Give victory over satanic attacks in marriages and homes across the nations in Jesus Name!

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