4th Anniversary "HeartChurch" / "HeartChurch": continues to be a channel of blessing for the preaching of the gospel.

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Being part of the HeartChurch membership is a great honor and prestige. For 4 years the HeartChurch community has been and will continue to be a channel of blessing for the preaching of the gospel. It is worth reminding the population of users who daily write and share messages of reflection from the word of God, that all these messages have their reach to the different places where "HeartChurch" has been able to reach through the Steemit platform.
While it is true that the biblical messages have an objective of edification and salvation, it is also true that through the community of "HeartChurch" we have the great benefit of sharing our spiritual life of the local church to then transmit this experience with the first church of the Blockchain, as is "HeartChurch". Therefore, on the 4th Anniversary of the virtual church "HeartChurch" I want to share wonderful moments that we have lived today in the local church in a worship service of praise to God.

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Today, December 12, it was our turn to carry out the Sunday school and develop a wonderful worship service of praise to God in order to glorify His holy name. God is a great King who enjoys the praise of his people, for this reason, the youth team of worshipers of the local church brought with a sincere heart, praises to our God as a pleasing offering that goes up to his presence. We can share these important moments of worship with the brothers who write in the "HeartChurch" community precisely because of the blessing that "HeartChurch" represents for all its users.

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In the local church there are several users who are part of the "HeartChurch" community, who also write their experiences in this beautiful ministry. In the dance of the local church we have as director of the dancers sister @carlis20, who is responsible for guiding all the dancers in the respective times of worship and praise.

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My particular experience in the local church is to be part of the body of pastoral leaders. I am pastor of Mission 5 of the church "Getsemaní" and I always have responsibilities to either carry a message of the word of God or transmit valuable prayers to comfort the spiritual life of the brothers in the church. Whenever I have experience in the local church, I share it through an important message in the "HeartChurch" community, that is why I say that "HeartChurch" is a channel of blessing for the preaching of the gospel.
I like to transmit the joy of serving God, for this reason, every time I have to greet, I must do it transmitting the passion of serving a living Christ and in harmony.

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Today I had an important space in the service, in which I led a valuable prayer of God's blessing for all the people, remembering that God blesses his people both spiritually and materially. God transforms stormy times into great prosperity and peace. Certainly, God will bring to Venezuela a comforting time of his glory for the year 2022, so my prayer was centered for this blessing to cover both the Venezuelan nation and the Christian people.

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Then I closed my participation by praying for a child whose parents were presenting him before the Lord today. This ceremonial act always reminds us of the life of Hannah, mother of Samuel, who after weaning him, presented him before God to dedicate his whole life to the Lord. After remembering these biblical words, we pray for the child so that God will raise him in His love and fear, being this the responsibility of the parents.

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Thank you "HeartChurch" for being a channel of blessing for the preaching of the gospel.

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Happy Anniversary to heart Church

Bendiciones de lo alto pastor, transmite frescura el lugar.