Personal testimony as a member of the Heart Church Community

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

We live in times when society is marked by a new paradigm such as the COVID-19 pandemic, this has forced governments, communities, institutions and companies to address new ways for people to interact and cope with the forced confinement and necessary social distancing.

That is why new types of businesses have emerged, such as the well-known door-to-door delivery by delivery, which has given young people the opportunity to deliver goods and services to people who would not otherwise receive them. It has also begun to consolidate education via the Internet through technological platforms and the Internet that allow teachers to bring their students closer together.

The church, motivated by the restrictions, has had to reduce the services in the temples and the number of people who can access the services, this in order to take care of the health of its parishioners and comply with legal regulations. That is why it has addressed the new technologies of the internet by offering religious services through social networks.

The example that the HeartChurch Community is giving by offering support through its official informative page, which shows the varied offer and presence of the First Blockchain Church with the adoption of the technology of cryptocurrencies, the availability for each of its members of the Token Heart based on Telos technology, who through the GoldenCenser account delivers a verse of the Holy Scriptures. In addition to this, at this time the use of the Token Heart has been implemented in harmony with the Telos so that everyone with a TELOS account can keep their personal diary that will be indelibly recorded on the Blockchain.

In my case, it has been two years since I have adopted the use of my Telos account and I am optimistic that the future of this Telos Blockchain platform in which the Token Heart is connected, will soon bear abundant results with new applications and apps adapting its use.

Image from

Thus, in a necessary renewal and revision of goals to achieve the objectives set to bring the saving word of Christ and that it is present in the Blockchain environment and in support of its members in the official Blog of the HearChurch Community "Adding value to the community", the general directives outlined can be read in this new way to go.

My word of encouragement to the apostle Darlenys @darlenys01, to Sirknight for their clarity and input of ideas. My appreciation to the technical support team of Telos Foundation without whose technical support the achievement of results up to this moment would not have been possible.

As part of my daily work, here I share my reflections published in my personal Day on Wednesday, February 24, 2021 and the MEMO received from the Golden Censer.

[screenshot by @felixgarciap]


Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” [Matthew 8:20 (NIV)]

[screenshot by @felixgarciap]


Waiting for your comments. I remain from you.


I´m proudly a #HeartChurch member.

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