A Damage Repairman

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

Being emotionally stable people is a true privilege, because there are many who today are wandering aimlessly, because of situations that have hurt them, for reasons that we may not even imagine, there are many people broken, tired and discouraged.



There are people who have been hurt, have suffered the rejection of those they love the most, even just those people who once loved and protected them, are also now the ones who have broken their dreams.

Many times we pray for these people, waiting for the Holy Spirit to do something in them, not knowing that the Holy Spirit is in us and can use us for it. God can use all his resources to save someone, and one of those resources is you.

A person led by God can clearly be used to become one capable of lifting, healing, and carrying out a transformative work.

We who have been tried, tested, and have been victorious, are capable of repairing the damage that others have suffered, because in us there is much of God, we have been directly confronted and we know in the flesh the mercy of God Repairers is what we need today, people who through their experiences are capable of transforming them into teachings for others, people who can love, beyond seeing the defects of others, think that they could have lived that has made them that type of person.

In today's society much more repairmen are needed than pointers, people are needed who, with broken pieces, can build and put together the best puzzle. It is time to act with mercy for others, it is time to put our mind and heart at the disposal of what God desires and it is nothing other than leading his children to repentance and salvation, God will always give us the ability and potential For us to do so, let us not refuse to be repairers of what has been damaged because this is directly guided by the love of God.

If there are things or people that you look at today and you know that they need a repair, ask God to make you an approved worker for that good work. It will always be good to show others that there is still time while there is life. Ecclesiastes 9: 4 says: There is still hope for all who are among the living; because a living dog is better than a dead lion.

Then there will always be a good time to mend any type of Error, any wrong step that we have taken, and you and I must be communicators of that truth. Become a damage repairman.


 3 years ago 

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I love this post and God bless u for sharing

I totally agree with you dear soldier of the cross. Mere preachers abound but repairers are few. There can be no repairers without patience. No wonder Jesus took three years to build up his followers. Rebuilding their sin damaged image to Christ rebuilt image. Thanks for sharing.

Hermosa reflexión y muy necesaria en un mundo tan egoísta