Thediarygame-My comic Eulogy

in HeartChurch3 years ago

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When you worship Alpha, you will go far. When you praise Omega you will grow mega, when you are thankful, your tangle will full, because so many people are LandLords of the simentry, lots are tenants of the mortuary, many more are candidates of the obituary but we are worshippers in His sanctuary because His love has been keeping us right from January, cuddle with goodness writen in our dairy and all this, He has done without collecting a salary. CELEBRATE HIM HALLELUJAH, HE IS WORTHY.

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The Bible says unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given , government shall raise upon his shoulders, His name shall be called wonderful, counselor, the Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. In my little discovery I CALL HIM EVERLASTING FATHER, He has been on the throne before the arrival of Mongopark, He wait for no approval from David Mark. Hisnis the Lord of all tribe yet He has no tribal mark. His tenure doesn't expiry like that of Obasenjo . Incall Him Obyiko, His kingdom is too far beyond that of Atikur. Hear me "I call Him the Lord All Mighty , Opunke in Diversity, Odeishi brutality crown in Royalty so lets bow in Loyalty and worship His Majesty. He never went to University yet the Capability of His Mentality superceded the totality of professors even in their conformity, by the mention of His Identify, Principalities are in perplexity Despite the Density of His responsible NO vacancy for IMPOSSIBILITY.

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I call him ROCK of AGES my dearest Rock, His more realiable than Aso-rock, He is Azenobua that resides in Africa yet from here His present is high lifted in America. I call Him the Lion of the tribe of Judah. My God that open the worm of the barren woman Hannah, He can do more wonders than Rihanna. Hear me, in his own image he created Adam and Eve, this is to say His more good looking than Jenneveh. Our God is Baba Abalaba; that is full of Mercy. He is more skillful than even Droba and Messi.
He doesn't use GSM, TWITTER OR FACEBOOK yet millions of people calls Him , follow Him and seek His face daily in His book. He is Jehovah Adonai; my number 1, He response faster than 911. Ancient of days that uses no GOOGLE yet He sees wider and faster than GOOGLE. Hear me , I call Him ALMIGHTY that can never be compared to Duncan Mighty . I call Him Jehovah 247 that can turn situation before the count of 7 and still forgive your iniquities after 70 times 7.

The master of creation that reigns from generation to generation, He died in crucifixion Beta chatta for emancipation,through His condemnation He obtain Devine Justification and before His ascension to His mansion He made provision for your vision, He is your portion and possession in all ramifications the God of your Commission that furnished you even before the creation nothing like omission in His mission. Your present day in every situation that lifted you from everyday of your condition and set your feet from a higher position; the center of your attraction, the head of all discussion, beautiful beyond description.

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That is why I tell you in 2021 your help may not come from abroad but above because it is not by merit but by mercy, it is not by class but by Christ, it is not based on government policies but God's promises. Hear this, He that can recharge you without charging you with any charge . He can give you power than transformer 24hours to rise above any power. The bible says I will lift up my eyes to the hill from whence cometh my help; hear me your help cometh from the Lord that is unbeatable. He will never suffer your feet to tremble for HE that keepeth you will never fumble. Celebrate God HALLELUJAH.