Purpose of life.

in HeartChurch5 years ago


We cannot afford to be bothered by all the real or imaginary injustices that are done to us. Our "I" is the most feared enemy. No other evil has such a disastrous effect on character as the hobbies of a person who is not under the control of the Holy Spirit.

We should not allow our feelings to be easily offended. We do not live to protect our feelings or our reputation, but to save souls.

If we are interested in saving others, we pay less attention to the small differences that often arise in our mutual relationships. What others think of us and cause us, this should not violate our unity with Christ and the communion of the Spirit.

Don't pay bad for bad. If possible, try to eliminate any reason for misunderstanding. Avoid anything that looks like sin. Do everything you can, without departing from the principles, to reconcile others.

"So if you bring your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go, first reconcile with your brother, and then come and bring your gift"

If they speak to you in an impatient tone, never respond the same way. Remember that "a meek response repels anger" (Prov. 15, 1)

In silence there is great power. Words spoken to an annoying person often only increase irritation. But if anger meets silence, in the spirit of meekness and understanding, it quickly passes.

In a rain of sharp and demanding words, concentrate your thoughts on the Word of God. Keep God's promises in your mind and heart. If they treat you badly, if they accuse you unfairly, don't respond to this with irritation, but repeat yourself wonderful promises:

"Do not be overcome by evil, but conquer evil for good" (Rom. 12, 21)

"Betray the Lord in your way and trust Him, and He will complete and give birth to your justice and justice like the light of noon." (Psalm 36, 5.6)

"There is nothing secret that is not revealed, and secret that would not be known." (Luke 12, 2)

"He put a man on our head. We went into fire and water, and you set us free. "(Psalm 65, 12)

We tend to seek sympathy and encouragement from our neighbors, rather than waiting for the help of Jesus.

By His grace and faithfulness, God often allows those whom we trust to not meet our expectations, so that we can see how irrational it is to trust a person and make the flesh their support.

Let us fully, humbly and selflessly trust in God. He knows the sadness that we carry deep in our souls, but he cannot express.

When everything around you seems gloomy and incomprehensible, remember the words of Christ: "What I do, you don't know now, but you will understand later." (John 13, 7)


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