The beginning of a new life.

in HeartChurch5 years ago


Jesus performed a greater miracle than by healing the most terrible physical illnesses; He healed a spiritual disease that leads to eternal death. This is the beginning of a new life, full of purity and peace, a life dedicated to God.

Jesus knows the circumstances of each person. The heavier the wine of the sinner, the more a Savior needs. His heart, overflowing with divine love and understanding, is more sympathetic to those most entangled in the enemy's web. He signed the document on the liberation of humanity with his own blood.

Jesus does not want souls bought at such a high price to be victims of the temptations of the enemy. He does not want you to be defeated and perish. He closed the lions' mouths in the lion's den; He walked with his faithful witnesses in a fiery furnace; He is also ready to help us overcome all the sins of our nature.

Today he stands before the throne of grace and offers to God the prayers of those who wish to receive help from him. It will not reject a single broken and repentant soul. He is ready to forgive all who come to Him for forgiveness and renewal. He doesn't remind anyone of everything he knows, but he orders each trembling soul to take courage. Everyone can use the power of God and make peace with Him, and He will give you peace.

It will lift the soul that seeks protection from Jesus above accusations and disputes. Neither man nor evil spirits can blame these people. Christ makes them partakers of his divine-human nature. In the light emanating from the throne of God, they stand next to the One who bore all sins.