in HeartChurch3 years ago

You have tried so many things and none seems to work. You have prayed, sang,danced,worshipped, and fasted too. Yet all proved abortive. Nothing seems to be moving. Everything seems stagnant . I want to encourage you not to give up.



Don't forget your dreams. Don't forget the many prophecies that have come forth concerning your destiny.

God has a special purpose for your life. It may not look like it now,but if you don't give up,you will soon see it come to pass.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,saith the Lord,thoughts of peace, and not of evil,to give you an expected end -Jeremiah 29:11. Trust me when I say God knows and sees it all and he is there. That is why he is called omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. So only he knows just how to handle your situation better. He is reminding us in this bible verse that he always has good thoughts for us to take us to an expected end. This therefore means that God has an "expected end" for us. His plan ends good. He has foreseen that end that is perfect for you. Hallelujah!So don't you give up. Hold on,yeah! Don't you ever let go of your Father. He knows the way out of that storm. All you need to do is trust him by praying more,fasting more,dancing more,worshipping more,singing more. He will sure bring you out of it.

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Isaiah 43:2 says "When thou passeth through the waters,I will be with thee;and through the rivers,they shall not overflow thee:when thou walkest through the fire,thou shall not be burned;neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. Now note,God never put it that we will never pass through this things. He mentioned we will pass through all this BUT they will not overwhelm us because he will be with us.So he has a reason for wanting us to pass through that River,Water and Fire.There'll come times or a time in our lives where we will pass through painful things but God promises to be there. Question is,Do you choose to see him?Do you believe he can bring you out?/Have faith in this God and watch him speak peace to that storm.

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We know so much to be happening this days.These things cause our hearts and heads to ache.They are way too much to bear.God will never give up on you because he loves you.So don't you give up on him. Instead hold onto him with both hands. He is a faithful God,ever dependable and reliable. He loves you.Relax!

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I hope this helps. Thank you.

I remain @millymillions