Sunday Gospel : 16th May 2021 || Life Decisions

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Readings:Acts 1:15-17, 20-26, Psalm 103, 1 John 4:11-16.

Friends God is love, all the time; and all the time his nature is love. Friends Mother Church always makes the effort to feed her children through the Word and the Sacraments.

Like any other day, today is not different. Throughout out the Easter season she calls on her children to reflect on some of the basic things in life and these are to help them attain salvation. Some of these are love, shepherding, truth, our roles as Christians, peace, and the like.

Today she draws our attention to another, that is, unity. But friends this will be realised by our choices in life as Christians. Hence what influences our decision making in life is much of concern.

From the first reading the disciples had to make a decision by choosing between Justus and Matthias. Peter head of the disciples could have just chosen one of these, but no, they prayed seeking the face of God to make the right decision. Together as one they prayed say "Lord Jesus, who knowest the heart of all men, show which one of these two thou hast chosen to take the place in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned. And they cast a lot on them and the lot fell on Matthias; and he was enrolled with the eleven. " (Acts 1:24-26).

Friends one thing is that we cannot depend on our own strength if we want to be successful or make the right decisions in life. Like Jesus praying for his followers in the Gospel, the disciples prayed to God seek his face that they can make the right choice or decision. Not just that, they also cast a lot on their part. This implies not just praying, also doing something on their part.

Friends what influences my decision making in life? Do I discern the will of God? Where is the place of God in my decision making?Brothers and sisters in Christ, we cannot just make decisions. We need to seek the face of God. Some of us make decisions depending on worth, beauty, fame, wisdom, and influences from without. It is virtually with us all. But friends these can lead us to our doom. Some people have made some decisions and they are paying for them big time. Some wished they could have know better marrying this man or woman. Why? They have made the wrong choice.

Friends it is not too late, let us take it that we never knew. The readings helps us with some of the things that must influence our decision making. That is, prayer which is to help us discern the will of God and our own contributions towards our decisions in life. That is, we cannot make decisions in a valcum. It must be influenced by God who is love. This will implies remaining in the love of God.

We pray that as we await the coming of the Holy Spirit, that he may help us discern the will of God in our lives as children, youth, parents, leaders of the church and country, deacons, priests, and the like (Christians). May the Lord help us all. Peace and joy, Amen.