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Whatever God ordains, He blesses. Walking in the path of God’s ordinances for your life is plying the path of blessing. We see God in our text passage, talking to the Israelites implored them to call to remembrance His dealings with their fore parents. He told them of how He called Abraham and blessed him. If you truly seek to understand the blessing wherewith Abraham was blessed, you will have to first of all understand the calling wherewith he was called. The Bible says in Hebrews 11:8 – “By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out , not knowing wither he went”. God called him on an ordained path, he obeyed and went out. Plying God’s ordained path for his life, God blessed him. God blesses men on the path He has ordained for them. If you seek to ply the path of self will, expecting God’s blessings; you will be terribly disappointed. Locate God’s ordinances for your life; hook unto them and you will stand out blessed.
Struggling with God’s will for your life does not augur well for the blessings God bestows. Releasing your will to be lost in God’s will is the root of true blessings. No matter how tasking or awkward you think the ordinance of God is; being able to say like Jesus proclaimed in the garden of Gethsemane – “Nevertheless not my will, but thine be done” (Luke 22:24) is a divine requirement for invoking God’s blessings. When you resign yourself to God and His ordinances for your life, you will see Him in every aspects of your life. Everything lines up with divine ordinances; because, God “worketh all things after the counsel of His own will” (Ephesians 1:11). One way given to men to enjoy God’s blessings is to find out what the ordinance o God is for your life and situation. It has to do with getting acquainted with God’s plans for your life because God’s plans are blessed.
Aligning yourself with God’s plans is staying aligned with God’s blessings. When found on a divinely ordained path; strict adherence with the demands of such a path is necessary in maximizing the blessing. In our text passage, God pointed it out clearly that He called Abraham alone; but when he went out of his native land in obedience to God’s Word, he went with his nephew Lot. As long as Lot was with him, he couldn’t maximize the blessing, because Lot was not divinely ordained to go with him. Immediately Lot got separated from him, God opened his eyes to the expanse of the blessing. Stay hooked in obedience to God’s ordinance and His blessings will stay with you.