The work of a Good blacksmith(God)

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)



Without being Forged In God's workshop, you cannot be marketable In his global market sales Room, Lasting lessons are learned and kept as treasures when learned By Experience rather than theory, the missing link between us and the Giants of faith of old, Is the issue of forging, God cornered Them, hid them, worked on every sector of their lives until something of uncommon beauty , Glory power Strength of character and depths into the thing's of God was birthed. They yielded until they were Forged, but we riot, we rebel, we murmur, we complain, We run out of the workshop and become double damaged.

They were Men and women of patient waiting, they glorified God in the fire's ( Isa 24:15) and became God's firebrands for signs and wonders, they so Loved God that they trusted that he will not damage Them, but make them come forth as gold (Job 23:19) and They did.


This great father's of faith understood that the goal interest of God is not to crush or bully his creature's unnecessarily, but that the fruit for purging, pruning, chastening, sifting, and correction is to purge the iniquity of His children away, and So They yielded to His forging fire's (Mal 3:3-4).

  *This is the fruit* 

Fire is that situation beyond your control.
Fire is that circumstance that Is giving you heat.
Fire is that Experience that irritates.
Fire is that surprise, shocking discovery that burns In your heart.
Fire Is that Verbal Attack that Roasts your Emotions.
Fire is that Condition that have defiled every human effort.
Fire is that Disappointment and delay that is melting your heart, and also pushing you towards God In Tears.
Fire is that Sack letter that broke your heart.
Fire is that Unfaithfulness from your Spouse.

And So÷ It shatters the metallic Nature of the Human Heart, and sends Him Running to God .

Prayers÷ May Almighty GOD Open our Hearts To His unfading words In JESUS Christ Name.


my upvote for you my brother excellent work