in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)


Ephesians 1:3
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

Until we come to the understanding that God is not just a Deity or a Spirit or the Almighty but that He is also a Father, then there might some priviledges we may not enjoy. If He could give up His only begotten son for us, what else can't He do for us?

Our text tells us that He is our Father (because Jesus is our eldest brother) , and He has provided us with ALL spiritual blessings. When He says ALL He means ALL.

The Father (GOD) cried and said my people perish for lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6. In otherwords, not that his people are destroyed because there are no provision but that they are not aware that he has provided all they needed not to be destroyed. In the same sense, He has provided us with all spiritual blessings.

What are the spiritual blessings, name them, Your gifts (spiritual gifts), graces, wisdom, knowledge, utterance, wealth, etc God has provided them all. And you know what? God can never lie, He doesn't joke when it comes to HIS word.

Are you there and you feel you are all alone, you think you have no place in Christ, no possessions at all, or you have nothing to lay hold on in the Kingdom? I'm here to tell you, He has provided for you ALL spiritual blessings.


First Believe that Christ has provided you what you needed

Always with they eyes of faith see and Claim your possessions and declare they are yours with your lips

Never doubt God's ability to provide

Always thank God for providing, whether you see it or not: 1Thessalonians 5:18


Dear Lord, open my eyes to see these tremendous blessings you have prepared for me, and help me to walk into them and possess them

God bless you!


You are very beautiful.

Awnn.. Thank God and thank you too 😊