in HeartChurch3 years ago

(Giving direction to your day)
Ola Aina

Monday 30th August, 2021


Text: “And of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” John 1:16-17

Grace is the manifestation of divine life in a mortal man. This is the ability of God that comes to help a helpless man. Humanity was sold out legally in sin.

We were dead in sin and through Christ we are dead to sin and helpless about it.

There was nothing anyone of us would have done to save ourselves. The program of salvation was purely a divine process void of human contribution. All that man needed to do was to receive this provision and submit to it as the only way out.

Living in grace simply means living in the awareness, assurance and confidence of the grace of God made available to us. If we don’t live this way there will be so much limitations in our lives that will forever be an uphill task to overcome. The alternative to living by grace is living by our own efforts; it will never be enough. It will never measure up. The best of human effort is shallow and inadequate to satisfy divine requirements.

Living by grace is living by the ability of God that helps us to choose right and to live right. Living by grace is never an excuse to act against God. It’s actually a humble response of gratitude to please the one who has lavished so much on us. The grace of God lavished on us by the cross is far beyond human comprehension. The depth of this grace is so deep that it will take the whole of eternity to explore it.

Grace is the outworking of the ability of God in a mortal man. With this grace at work in our lives we’ll do that which ordinarily would had been beyond us. With this grace at work in our lives we’ll go beyond the status quo and break new records in the Spirit. I see God doing great things in your life and through your life.


In the name of Jesus we declare that I function in the grace of God in every aspect of my life. I declare that the ability of God is expressed in all that I do.

LEARN MORE: John 1:16, 1 Cor 15:10

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