"Odd Ball"


Here's a picture I made with Matthieu Tesson aka Utopies Temporelles during his last visit.
The "Village" is a really cool location and I wish I'll go back there one day.


Lightpainting created in real time, captured to the camera in one single photographic frame.

No layers /no Photoshop / no editing exept minor adjustments (lens correction profite, WB, contrast (+12)) and addition of my logo.

Gear :
Canon EOS 6D Mk II body
Canon EF 16-35mm f/4L IS USM lens
Canon RC-E6 IR remote
Zomei carbon tripod

Settings :
100 ISO

Feb 2019

If you want to see more lightpainting pictures, check "Lightpainters United" @lightpaintershub

Lightpainters United banner.png


Hi. It looks like you may have not seen the Steem Torch transfer, and probably powered up by accident?

It would be nice if the experiment continued. What are your plans regarding it?


Thanks for asking. This is exactly what happened, I'll try to pass the torch asap

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