Texture overload - lightpainting in a tunnel under DerbyshiresteemCreated with Sketch.

in Lightpainters United4 years ago (edited)

During rainy nights lightpainters can often be found seeking shelter and dark locations within which to practice their craft!

This shot was made with a fisheye lens and a gelled Godox flashgun at the rear of the frame. Quick and easy to do but feels strange to me because it didn't involve lens and tripod swaps. I have to remind myself that not everything has to be complicated to look good...


About me: I usually specialise in shooting lightpainting images but occasionally dabble in urbex and artistic model photography. I'm always on the lookout for someone to collaborate with; please don't hesitate to get in touch if you'd like to create art.

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If you'd like to see more light painting on Steemit then give @lightpaintershub a follow and you'll be introduced into the wonderful world of light painting.


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