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RE: Looking at the Sky

in Popular STEM5 months ago

Beautiful photos, I like that Moon's halo.

I agree with you, I think it's important for humans to look in the sky more often. I think it brings perspective of how small and unique we really are…in a great big universe.

I think looking up into the sky is a unifying force. It reminds us that humans are all collected on this small blue planet in a very big dark expansive space. We should feel lucky that we have each other… because outside of our atmosphere…as far as we know…there is no other intelligent life…at least nothing we can talk to now :)

 5 months ago 

I very much agree with you on this. Looking at the sky, you involuntarily realize how tiny we are in such a huge universe. Then we begin to understand how complicated everything is, how great a miracle our existence is in such a huge space of lifelessness. And also, a few minutes of gazing into the night sky allows you to relax, put aside all worries and recharge.