Interactions between dark matter and ordinary matter.
Interactions between dark matter and ordinary matter.
Because dark matter is called dark, it may hide some sinister secret or cosmic forces that scientists prefer to keep secret. Although these ideas are fascinating to conspiracy lovers, the truth is much simpler and still intriguing.
This means that, although we cannot see it, dark matter can attract and influence ordinary matter, however, until now gravity was the only force that we knew that made dark matter interact with the rest of the universe, but what if you I said that's starting to change.
By the way, did you know that dark matter represents approximately five times more mass in the universe than ordinary matter, without it entire galaxies simply would not hold together. It is the invisible presence of dark matter that explains phenomena such as the strange movement of some stars which seem to ignore the laws of physics that we know, for example, the rotation curves of Galaxies show that stars on the outer edges of spiral Galaxies move as fast as those closer to the center.
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